Awesome Halloween Costumes For Kids

tips + tricks, occasions, lifestyle, Halloween, costumes, costumes for children

One of the most fun season of the year is upon us again!

Halloween is that one single time of the year when everyone wants to be ugly, or dirty, or scary. Of course, it is also that time of the year when mums are the busiest scurrying to find the most interesting costumes for their kiddos. This year, we initially decided on a DIY Optimus Prime costume that transforms as the little man has just seen the last film and he was talking Transformers all day long. Am sure he will have a grand time channeling his inner Autobot in this year’s Halloween party. We decided against it, though, as we do not have enough time to pull the homemade costume {read: my creative brother did not have the time to finish it just in time! :)} off.

I decided against the store-brought costumes, too, as I actually plan on scrimping this year instead of opting for those costumes that will actually cost me a fortune. Good thing I was able to chance upon this shop {you may check out details about them at the bottom of this post} that sells costumes near the city market. They also make costumes if the costumes you like are not available in the store. I had a black robe done for only Php350 for a Harry Potter costume fit for the little guy. I was able to get this customized robe after 2 days.

tips + tricks, occasions, lifestyle, Halloween, costumes, costumes for children

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Most Iconic Rock Star Costumes

tips + tricks, costumes
’80’s diamond diva costume

If you are looking for some inspiration for a fancy dress costume, then look no further than the legends of rock from throughout the ages. Our musical icons have been presented in some of the most avant garde styles, some of which have inspired generations of fashion designers and trendsetters alike. To pay homage to your favourite star, check out this list for some real rock inspiration and check out the fancy dress costumes at Fancy Dress Ball:

Freddie Mercury – Queen

Queen’s frontman was a unique, flamboyant and unmistakably rock and roll. Some of the eye-catching outfits Mercury wore on stage and off will go down in the music fashion record books. One of the more famous outfits donned by the man himself is the white trouser, yellow jacket combo from the infamous ‘It’s a kind of Magic’, music video. To dress up as Freddie make sure your costume reflects this outfit and don’t forget the statement moustache for extra effect. Freddie’s black and white harlequin stage costume was sold for a massive £22,500 at Bonhams Entertainment Memorabilia sale in London on July the 3rd, hopefully, your costume won’t set you back that much!

Michael Jackson

When you think of famous music icons the acclaimed King of Pop Michael Jackson is always high on the list. Dressing up as Michael is loads of fun as he has supplied the modern media with so much fancy dress fodder over the years. The ultimate Halloween Michael Jackson outfit though, has to be a tribute to his own zombie inspired music video to infamous song ‘Thriller’. The renowned red and black jacket itself was sold in June last year atJulien’s Auction for a whopping $1.8 million. There are much cheaper versions out there though, so get the fake blood out and go for a wild Jacksonesque thriller of your own.


And now one for the girls. If Michael Jackson is the King of Pop, Madonna is almost certainly the queen. The New York based artist has had so many iconic, show-stopping numbers it would be pretty hard to decide which one to go for. It is almost too tempting not to go for the Jean-Paul Gaultier designed cone chest of 1990 ‘Blond Ambition’ tour though. During Madonna’s 1984 ‘Like A Virgin’ tour she wore a white wedding dress which was sold via the New York basedGotta Have It! auction house for a staggering £3,750. Maybe a homemade costume might be a little more pocket friendly if you are thinking of taking ‘Madge’, on for a theme!

image from

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