are you all geared up for earth hour?

eco-friendly ideas, earth hour,

That is right, later tonight will be the highly-anticipated Earth Hour + I am encouraging you all to participate + do your little share in saving heal our Mother Earth, it is the only one we’ve got any way + we ought to do everything we can to help it heal. I am getting some candles + fans, to cool off the little man who really sweats profusely, ready. +, if in case we cannot make it to Ayala Triangle Gardens for the celebration tonight, we will have our own celebration here at home.

The I Will If You Will Campaign

If you’ve seen those status updates beginning with “I will if you will…” in your friends timeline, it only means they are participating in the campaign to challenge more people to do their share for the environment.

eco-friendly ideas, earth-friendly stuffs, earth hour

Here are a few of our own “I will..” updates:

  • I will lessen our hours in front of the tellie to save on electricity if some of our friends will sign up with the GreenPeace Save the Amazon Campaign {you can sign up here, too}
  • I will lessen our TV time if friends will bring their eco-bags to shop
  • I will play the Pocoyo Recycling game it they will plant a tree on my behalf
Not much really + am sure you can come up with a lot more better + cleverer ideas, but, ways to save the Earth need not be grand, see, + everyone can easily participate. It might be as simple as segregating your rubbish or re-purposing some of the things at home as your way of recycling them or turning off the faucet + using a glass while brushing. Even our little kiddos can participate + we can start by teaching them to make sure that piece of litter or candy wrapper makes it to the garbage bin.
Of course, we can all lend a hand by switching our lights off for an hour later on tonight. A little help goes a long way + we all do our share, am sure Mother Earth will be a lot happier.
So, are you geared up for Earth Hour? 😉
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a green friday

I was able to go out last week to attend an event. It was one of those rare occasions that I get to go out without my little man in tow. I almost was not able to push through with my plans for that day, but I was thankful the little man’s dad was able to deal with the saying-goodbye scenario with much less tears + fussing. So, after a few goodbyes + kisses, this mum set off to attend the event {which I shall tell you all about in another post ;)}.

Anyway, I had to pass through Trinoma to get to the fx/van terminal on my home, plus I had to make a quick stop at the grocers anyway to buy milk + a few cartons of his favorite drink, Dutch Mill {he only drinks the strawberry flavored ones}, for the little man + I spotted this poster at the bottom of one of their elevators.

I am just glad that big companies + corporation like Trinoma is now jumping into the Green bandwagon. Thousands upon thousands of people shop there everyday + a poster like this will do a lot of wonders. Imagine if every people who reads this will bring their eco-bag to shop next time around. It will make a whole community of eco-bag shoppers!

I just wish they’d do more than encourage their clients to purchase those green bags. Maybe they could set up a day where everyone who shops using their green bags will get freebies or discounts or points in their privilege cards, much like how SM does it. It could work wonders on waste reduction by stopping the use of plastic bags, + eventually, helping our environment.

Nevertheless, I still give two thumbs up for Trinoma for their initiative! 😉


Green Monday

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how to teach your child to be eco-friendly

Teaching our children to be eco-friendly ought to be each + every parents goal. The Earth is the only one we’ve got after all, + judging from its current state, what with all the disasters + calamities brought about by nature destruction and global warming, it needed all the help it can get, + yes, even from little children. More importantly from little children as they will be the ones to inherit our planet + will be in-charge to take care of it when it is time.

So how do we teach them how to love + care for our planet at an early age, again? Here are a few tips I have in mind:

  • As with all the other knowledge we would like to impart on our children, the best way to teach them is to live by example. Be an eco-conscious mum + it will soon rub on your little on in no time
  • Expose your child to the beauty of nature by bringing him to parks and zoos, + beaches, too, + let him revel in the beautiful gifts of nature that surrounds him
  • This early, you can teach him not to be a litter bug, by showing him how to always put his litter on a trash bin. When on the road + there is not a bin in sight, tell him that you can keep the candy wrappers in your bag until you reach home or until you find the nearest trash can
  • Buy him eco-friendly toys + tell him why it is important to do this. If given the chance, you can also buy him school stuffs made from recycled materials. It will also be a good idea to purchase one of those Plantable Wedding Invitations or those Eco-Friendly Wedding Invitations + other eco-friendly products for your own use,whenever the need arises

Remember that a child’s mind is like a sponge + the best way to mold them into the kind of person we want them to be is now! It might take loads of repetition + reminding, but bear in mind that the lessons they will learn now are the ones they will carry all throughout their adult life, so better start early with teaching them how to be nature lovers + eco-warriors!

image is not mine

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