pf:a pink world?


Since today also happens to be Earth Day, apart from Good Friday, here’ a photo of a pink world, which is a  tee design, I managed to find with the help of Mr. Google. Very cute, right? I’d love to have one of these, only, the site doesn’t seem to be updated anymore since this particular photo was uploaded way back 2008. But, it’s a classic in my book, really cool. Chic + earth-friendly at the same time. Something for the girlie + the eco-mum in all of us!

I guess now is the right time to not only reflect on our our lives + think of what we can do to make it better + to be of help to others, but to also commune with mother nature + think of ways we can do in our own homes in making this world a better place for our children (but that’s another story + requires a separate post!).

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Love + Light,

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