my curious little boy

Jared, parenting 101, motherhood

My little boy is growing up way too fast + little by little he is showing more interest in his surroundings apart from his toy cars + his books. In fact, he would often ask me to open the door leading to the second-floor terrace so he can go out each morning + observe the scenery below: the birds on the neighbor’s rooftop, the cars + tricycles zooming by the house, the little children wading in their inflatable pool next door. He is also quick to point at the dog who is barking in the street or when the stray cat in the garage is purring to greet him “good morning.” Such a curious little boy + I am only delighted to encourage him more as curiosity is a sure sign that he enjoys + loves to learn, which will do him well in school later on.

I am sure one day soon I would be tasked to teach him Math + Sciences + I would like to be up for the job. I will teach him what I know + am sure I need to read a lot when it comes to numbers, but I hope I will be able to teach him well. I would love to instill in him the love of learning as it will benefit him, not only when he goes to school but also later on in life. Am sure it won’t be too long now until he asks me all those endless questions or all about compressor oil or how an air compressor filter works + loads of other interesting + mind-boggling questions + when the time comes, I pray I have all the patience, + knowledge to go with it, to answer each of his every query! 😉

Here’s my action-plan when the little man starts to be inquisitive:

  • answer each question as honestly + accurately as possible
  • encourage him to learn more by asking him questions, too
  • read, read, read!

How are you bracing yourself to teaching your little ones to learn?

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jared’s pink addiction

It has been awhile since I posted something pink +, thanks to my little man {who is busy tearing the room down as he plays}, I have a bit of a free time to came up with a blog post {or two, hopefully!} before he decides to pull me away from the computer again 🙂

One of the few things that my little Jared loves so much is this pink treat, Dutchmill, it is a milk yogurt strawberry-flavored drink which he just lurves to drink, about 3 times a day if he was in a row! He drinks it with too much gusto + enthusiasm that the whole pack will be gone after a few sips. If there is a Dutchmill-drinking contest, I will sign my baby up for it, am sure he will win first place 🙂

Just thinking pink on this rainy + gloomy Saturday morning….

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happy birthday jared!

My ever dearest Jared,

You are turning a big 2 today, Love, + you are growing faster than ever.  Has it actually been 2 years, cause I really haven’t noticed the time flying by, it seemed to have stopped or has taken on a new dynamics when we are together. Seems like it was only yesterday when I’ve given birth to you + you first came into our lives, every single day is as exciting as the last + I will forever be grateful to the ALL for entrusting you to me.

Thank you son for putting up with all my drama {I know I’d hear many a protest once you get older ;)} + for being generous with your laughters + your wet kisses + your hugs! I live for them. Thank you for putting up with the sometimes-lousy-and-impatient mother that was me. Thank you for teaching me invaluable lessons about life + patience. Thank you for making me rediscover my inner child + thank you for giving me a whole new + brighter perspective about life. 

I couldn’t tell you enough how much I love you + I’ll make sure to tell you + make you feel it everyday. Thank you for giving me the chance to experience the wonderful rapture of a mother’s love to her child. I shall never be the same again.

Thank you for magnifying my better half. I look forward to all our future adventures + if, in time, I’d be able to teach you a thing or two about living your life to the fullest, then I’d give myself a pat on the back knowing I did my job well.

Happy Birthday, Son! 



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