Our #PPSGxNatGeo Kids M.I Expedition Mall Tour Experience

Last Sunday, the little man and I went to Trinoma to participate at the Progress Pre-School Gold and National Geographic Channel’s Kids M.I. Expedition. We went there early to avoid the long queue and so the little man can try out the activities as soon as he can. He was reluctant at first, but he had such an amazing time completing the activities while enhancing his #MultipleIntelligence.

announcement, events, Multiple Intelligence, Progress Pre-School GOLD, Kids M.I. Expedition, educational activities for children, National Geographic Channel
our Kids M.I. Expedition Pass

We needed to register before we were allowed to enter the activity area. I also signed a waiver. After registration, we were given our Kids M.I. Expedition Pass, giving the little man access to 3 different activities enhancing his Body Smart, People Smart, and Brain Smart.

announcement, events, Multiple Intelligence, Progress Pre-School GOLD, Kids M.I. Expedition, educational activities for children, National Geographic Channel
playing dominoes for the first time

While waiting for their turn, the children can play a number of educational games to pass the time. Jared excitedly proceeded to one of the tables and immediately played with dominoes.

announcement, events, Multiple Intelligence, Progress Pre-School GOLD, Kids M.I. Expedition, educational activities for children, National Geographic Channel

Mums can also take a short quiz to determine their children’s domineering smart. It turns out, my little ball of unbound energy is Body Smart and I guess I am not surprised. I also found out that children who are Body Smart excel in sports, as well as in motor skills. It is safe to say then that I just might have an athlete in the making.

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