When was the last time you told your Mom you love her? That you appreciate her for all the times she stayed up late when you were sick or when you had to review for all your tests? How she covered your notebooks, neatly labeling your name or how she simply combed your hair? This Mother’s Day, Lactum asks each of us to tell our mom how much she means to us; how we appreciate all the sacrifices she tries to hide from us; and, how seeing her happy is what also makes us happy.
This is the essence of Lactum’s Mother’s Day video #KungAlamMoLangMa. While mums love and care for their children completely and unconditionally, many still feel that they are missing out because they don’t spend as much time as they want with their kids. More than that, many mums feel that the struggles they go through each day just to make sure the kids are fed well, have clean clothes to wear or do their homework are hardly noticed. But as #KungAlamMoLangMa would show and prove: their children actually are aware of their mom’s feelings and are thankful for the sacrifices she makes.
Mums do what they do because of love. When children grow up happy and healthy and do well at home and in school, mothers feel fulfilled and validated that she has done right. A perfect example for this is when mums ensure that their kids grow up with all-around development by providing positive stimulation and proper nutrition that includes Vitaminized Lactum 3+ which has 5x more DHA and 50% Less Sucrose {Sugar} versus its previous formulation. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid which supports brain development during early childhood. Vitaminized Lactum 3+ also has nutrients that help promote bone growth and help strengthen the body’s immune system.