Nothing is more promising than the start of another brand new year! The thoughts of new adventures, new beginnings, new goals to set and meet, new experiences, and making more fond memories with the family is enough to excite anyone awake!
Our 2017 started off late simply because we spent the first few hours of it watching old favorite films on the tellie. We watched Lady in the Water, Anastasia, and Mulan 1 and 2. The little man dosed off a little after the first film was over but woke up in the middle of Mulan. He instantly fell in love with it {and was asking to watch it again after a few days! 😀 }. We finished watching a little before the break of dawn.

We went out to catch some fresh New Year’s air around dinnertime because the little one requested to eat at KFC. As always, he enjoyed his meal. It was also commendable that KFC offers mineral water as alternative to those who do not want to drink soft drinks. We strolled around for a bit before finally heading home.
Of course, welcoming the new year is never complete without the proverbial New Years Resolutions. But I have long given up on them in favor of New Year Goals, which are more specific, realistic and achievable. Here are my 2017 goals:
- Do 100 Crunches a Day ~ now this may be quite a feat as I have been quite inactive the past year. But I set out to be healthier and fitter this year {and finally get rid of the sagging mid-section, I hope!} and would kick-start this goal by doing 100 crunches each morning. I bet I will be rusty, so I might have to cut myself some slack and settle for half or even a quarter of this goal on some days.
- Create a Daily Schedule ~ In line with my One Word for 2017, I will be creating a Daily Schedule to be more intentional and mindful of how I use my time. It is very easy to be side-tracked or distracted, especially if no one is keeping tabs on you, so it really is up to me to spend my time productively and wisely. I have discovered this lovely printable online and will share it in another post.
- Spend Less Time on Social Media ~ I realized I have been spending too much time on my Facebook and Instagram page lately and I really need to lessen this as they are perfect time-wasters. Deleting the apps on my mobile phone is not an option as they come very handy when I blog. I am thinking of designating a specific amount of time each day to check on Facebook and IG updates then going offline for the rest of the day. That way I will have more time for far more important things. I am also considering to use a social sharing app to schedule social media updates so I won’t need to be online all the time.
- Read 50 Books ~ Reading a book each day might be quite a tall order for a busy mum like me so I will settle for 50 books for this year. So far, I have already read 2 books {which I shall share here next, to serve as a reminder of this goal, and so you can bug me in case I am lagging on my goal! :D}
- Spend Time Outdoors Daily ~ Yes, I am such an introvert and I do not have problems with staying indoors for days on end, but spending time outdoors does so much good to oneself that I should make the most of it. Whether biking or strolling, or going out for errands, or visiting my parents at the memorial, or tending to my plants and cleaning the yard, I will allot a portion of my time daily and spend it outdoors.
- Take More Photos ~ You might think bloggers do this by default but I still need to learn the habit. I also need to take advantage of the opportunity to take as much photos of the little man while he is still little and while he still cooperates as I notice there are times when he does not want to be photographed any more. These photos will be lovely mementos of his childhood and I am sure he will appreciate that I documented his milestones and daily activities when he is older. I hope an opportunity to upgrade to an even better phone camera will come this year, too! To be more motivated, I am joining this year’s Photo-A-Day Challenge by Fat Mum Slim {you may search for #FMSPAD on your social media pages to know more about this fun photo challenge.}
I will fine-tune and add more to this list as 2017 progresses. I will also see to it that I achieve each of these goals I have set for myself. How’s your goal-setting for the new year so far mums? What items did you include in your list? I would love to read all about them in the comments below.
Cheers to a blessed, fruitful, and purposeful 2017! Here’s to creating more beautiful memories with our families and to achieving every goal we have set out for ourselves this year! :heart: