Viviamo Inc., maker of the Belle de Jour Power Planner, launches its 2021 products to help you journey out of this pandemic courageously.
This a year everyone will remember. As we’ve been locked in our homes, every day balancing fear and anxiety over the uncertainties brought about by a global pandemic, we hear a quiet rebellion, with some of us saying–oh this year doesn’t count, this year is cancelled, my planner is a waste. Yet in this time of great pause we really cannot deny: we are also given the choice to simply be, to get to know ourselves again, to journey deep in that space within where all is well.
Though many of our plans seem to have turned upside down, does that mean we should stop going after our goals and passions? What if we are given this pause to recalibrate, to course-correct, to redesign ourselves? And to help Filipinos continue to journey through life courageously, Viviamo, maker of the Belle de Jour (BDJ) Power Planner, launches its 2021 planner and journal collection on September 19-20, at the First Planning and Journaling Online Summit: #YouGotThis.
#YouGotThis was created because now more than ever, this message needs to be felt, and heard, and passed around. At a time when we must distance ourselves from each other to survive, we can’t ignore the human yearning to still connect–and isn’t it that the most important connection we can make, is with our Inner Selves? When we are forced to strip down to the barest of essentials, we journey deeper within, and with the help of pen and paper we begin to acknowledge our emotions, start to power through anxiety, again remember our dreams, then recommit to our goals, and in the process, rediscover the strength and power of our innermost Selves.