How to Keep Your Toddlers Safe From These 5 Serious Safety Concerns

tips and tricks, children, parenting 101, home, safety at home
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Watching our children grow up before our eyes is one of life’s greatest joys.

That being said, each passing year reveals new safety concerns that simply can’t be ignored for your kids.

After all, once our children start walking and exploring the space around them, they open themselves up to a whole new world of bruises and boo-boos. Some of these injuries can become exponentially more dangerous if you aren’t keeping an eye on your child; likewise, toddler-proofing your home for accidents is absolutely crucial once your child become more mobile.

Given the number of children impacted by household accidents per year {read: thousands}, some even resulting in deaths, you can’t not afford to take every step possible to keep your children safe in the comfort of your home.

Whether you feel that you have all the bases covered when you baby-proofed your home prior to your child’s birth or aren’t sure if you’ve ticked all of your boxes in terms of safety, keep the following hazards in mind and how to ultimately avoid them.

Sharp Edges

Obviously we try to keep our kids out of the kitchen and away from cutlery, but what about the sharp edges hiding elsewhere within your home?

Thankfully, you don’t have to cover up your elegant wooden furniture set in bubblewrap or invest solely in “safe” materials to keep your kids from serious cuts and scrapes. Instead, consider the following options:

  • Edge and corner guards, which be applied to just about any set of sharp or hard-edged furniture
  • Likewise, hidden areas such as doors, cabinets and stairways can be kept closed at all times and secured with child safety covers
  • Having lots of cushions and pillows around is always a plus {read: putting a heavy comforter over a wooden piece with sharp edges}

Ideally, you can keep your kids away form sharp edges via baby gate, but make sure to cover up any potentially sharp edges in their play space as well.

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The Sharp Plasmacluster Air Purifier with Mosquito Catcher: Your Defense Against the Threats of Dengue + Zika

announcement, products, press release, safety at home

With the World Health Organization naming mosquito as the number one animal threat to humans, a tropical country like the Philippines, where mosquitoes are very rampant, must always be vigilant for any oncoming Dengue outbreaks. The government has so far faced these threats with readiness and practice.

Recently though, another vector-borne disease is plaguing and threatening everyone’s safety.

With the recent global onslaught of the Zika virus, a disease carried by the same mosquito breed {Aedesaegypti} that carries Dengue and Malaria, there has never been a greater time to truly invest and become knowledgeable on its symptoms and cures. But time spent on learning these things only means acknowledging the mosquito’s capabilities of infecting and invading your home.

With such great threats, stocking the right medicines or listing emergency hotline numbers won’t be enough. A better and an even more effective way to fight thesediseases is toalready defend and protect yourself before it even comes to you. There are many ways how to do it.

Aside from maintaining the cleanliness of your house and keeping pots and containers free of water, remember this“4s”guide from the Department of Health:

  1. Search and destroy mosquito breeding places
  2. Self-protection measures
  3. Seek early consultation for any symptoms
  4. Say “no” to indiscriminate fogging

In line with this advocacy, and with the aim of keeping Filipino families safe, Sharp brings you the Plasmacluster Air Purifier with Mosquito Catcher. It is equipped with the 5-Step Mosquito Catching Mechanism to help you protect your family right inside your home.

Plasmacluster Air Purifier with Mosquito Catcher

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Preparing Pool For Winter

home, tips and tricks, homemaking, safety at home, cleaning at home

If we can afford it, I am sure we’d have a pool constructed in our backyard for the little one who is so enamored with water that he can spend the entire day dipping and swimming in the pool. I am sure it will be well worth it and Jared will see to it that he maximizes every cent spent on building it.

Pools are really fun but at the same time they require a lot of maintenance.

Most people forget about their pool once the season is over. But, if you do not prepare it for winter, there will be a lot of issues to deal with once the spring comes around.

So, why is it so important to prepare the pool for winter season?

If you took care of it in time, water within the pool will remain clean and pure until the next seasons and you won’t have to replace it.

In most cases, pool will have to remain fully or at least partially filled with water. This is especially important for concrete pool with ceramic and mosaics.

In case of polyester pools as well as the pools with PVC foil, there should be approximately half of water remaining as a way to avoid damage from underground water.

Besides that, in case of PVC, water keeps the foil always stretched so you are able to avoid wrinkles which appear in case of empty pool.

Anyway, if you already decided not to leave it full, at least leave the minimal level suggested by your pool expert!

This is how much certain pools require:

  • Polyester pool – from 1/3 to 2/3 water
  • Pools with vinyl – from 1/2 to 2/3 water
  • Concrete pools – full

Bear in mind that concrete pools can sometimes stay empty. The main condition is to make sure that there won’t be any underground water bellow it and also, by making sure that it remains covered during the whole seasons keeping it dry.

We also recommend to keep the pool covered during winter (regardless of the type which you have) so that the leaves and other dirt wouldn’t fall in it.

Besides that, you are able to protect certain materials such as polyester by using these covers. Bellow the cover, water will remain warm for a longer period of time without freezing.

Naturally, before covering the pool, make sure that it is clean and algae free.

In case of the pools that are completely filled with water even during the winter, make sure to install a special system which allows water circulation. This will prevent water from falling below 2, 3 degrees Celsius.

Furthermore, if you wish so, your pool can be completely functional during the winter season.

How does the procedure differ based on the pool and equipment?

First and foremost, the entire procedure depends on pool type, how much water will be inside of it, whether the filters will work during the winter etc.

Regardless of the covers, it is best if you add antifreeze to it. The product will protect it from ice pressure preventing any damage to it.

What are the things to keep in mind as I prepare my pool for winter season?

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