Watching our children grow up before our eyes is one of life’s greatest joys.
That being said, each passing year reveals new safety concerns that simply can’t be ignored for your kids.
After all, once our children start walking and exploring the space around them, they open themselves up to a whole new world of bruises and boo-boos. Some of these injuries can become exponentially more dangerous if you aren’t keeping an eye on your child; likewise, toddler-proofing your home for accidents is absolutely crucial once your child become more mobile.
Given the number of children impacted by household accidents per year {read: thousands}, some even resulting in deaths, you can’t not afford to take every step possible to keep your children safe in the comfort of your home.
Whether you feel that you have all the bases covered when you baby-proofed your home prior to your child’s birth or aren’t sure if you’ve ticked all of your boxes in terms of safety, keep the following hazards in mind and how to ultimately avoid them.
Sharp Edges
Obviously we try to keep our kids out of the kitchen and away from cutlery, but what about the sharp edges hiding elsewhere within your home?
Thankfully, you don’t have to cover up your elegant wooden furniture set in bubblewrap or invest solely in “safe” materials to keep your kids from serious cuts and scrapes. Instead, consider the following options:
- Edge and corner guards, which be applied to just about any set of sharp or hard-edged furniture
- Likewise, hidden areas such as doors, cabinets and stairways can be kept closed at all times and secured with child safety covers
- Having lots of cushions and pillows around is always a plus {read: putting a heavy comforter over a wooden piece with sharp edges}
Ideally, you can keep your kids away form sharp edges via baby gate, but make sure to cover up any potentially sharp edges in their play space as well.