Mum Finds: New Year, New Food Discoveries

Meal preparation may seemingly be a daunting task year on year, but have no fear. There’s always room for new food discoveries and hacks. Foodies and homemakers alike are always on the lookout for something different yet easy to prepare and definitely, palate and tummy pleasers. A great break from having delivered meals! Make part of your New Year’s resolution to try out these new, life-easing products in the market by San Miguel Foods.

Go Veega

For vegans, try familiar comforts such as Veega’s meat-free Tapa and Tocino, which are fully cooked and completely free of animal meat and by-products. For flexitarians, there are Korean-inspired faves such as Meat-free and ready-to-eat Bulgogi and Spicy Soy Garlic Balls. You’ll never miss out on flavor with these meat-free wonders. 

Breakfast thy will be done

Rethink about skipping breakfast with perfect breakfast mates, Purefoods Deli Breakfast Sausage and Purefoods Beef Bacon. They are so good, you”ll truly want more. And beyond breakfast, these delicious products can also be served in a lot of ways.

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Mum Eats: What To Look For When Shopping For All-Natural Foods

food, food tips and tricks, shopping for foods, healthy eating

Note: This post first appeared on my foodie blog,, on 22 November, 2014. With a heavy heart, I have decided not to renew it when it expires this July as I can no longer maintain and update is as often as I would like to. Instead, I decided to add a new category here on the blog for the food-related posts under the name, Mum Eats. I hope you will enjoy reading these delicious articles as much as I enjoyed reliving my foodie adventures, as well as sharing foodie tips and tricks, through these posts.  :plate: 

Purchasing food at your local supermarket should include a complete look at the nutrition facts to ensure that you are eating the highest-quality meat and food products.Nowadays, most foods are laden with additives and unnatural ingredients that the human body has trouble breaking down. Fortunately, all-natural stores have taken measures to provide convenient, affordable food choices so that everyone can enjoy the very best food available.

Meat and Poultry

Not all meat is created equal. It is important to choose all-natural and organic meats to ensure that the animals have been fed an all-vegetarian diet, have been well cared for, and can provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Most consumers can also taste the difference that natural foods can provide.

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