it is good to be back!

I can’t believe that my last entry was dated June 23rd! Have I been gone that long?

Yep, due to the unfortunate incident of my internet’s canopy toppling over last Friday (sort of like a typhoon Falcon aftermath?) around 5.30 in the morning, (I was having this wonderful tete-a-tete with sis Shengkay when I heard something crashed in the roof + my internet connection went caput!)  I missed out on all of my favorite memes of last week + earlier this week.

Smartbro only managed to deploy people to work on my broken antenna last Monday + I was officially back to my online life by 3pm of Monday! It turned out that my antenna broke when it fell + they have it replaced, I was also told that I needed an additional tube for the antenna since some trees have grown nearby since the last they set it up + the trees are blocking my antenna’s connection. Instead of shelling out P600 for the tube, I improvised + used the tube we are using as a clothesline. Only glad it worked. I only had to pay them P418 for the labor charges!

Boy, was it good to be back! I have one too many backlogs + I soooo missed my online friends! The only downside is I can no longer vie for P100 top commentators prize one blogger is giving away, I bet a lot of participants left comments to their hearts’ content in the three days that I was away! Oh, well, that is just fine, maybe I can have a contest just like that here in my own blog, right or in Jared’s corner, since it will be celebrating its first anniversary in August! 😀

Whilst I was minding my offline life for a change, little did I know that mummies from our beloved community PMC, has been looking for me! It feels great to be missed, to have someone looking for you when you were away! Haha! Turned out, I won 2 sets of Sqwuishland toys from Mommies Pehpot + Phoebe + they were hunting me down to get my mailing details. Many thanks to the kindhearted sissies Fedhz + Kat for going out of their way to text me for my info! Thanks much sissies 😉

To celebrate my being back + to share my blessings, I shall be raffling off one of my winnings to a lucky reader. As soon as I received the items, I will be having a little giveaway in my son’s blog for it so please do watch out for that!

Now let me just take a look around here + savor the scent of being back online! I’ll see you around 😉

Have a great day everyone!

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