Jared going to school alone? fat chance!

When do you think you should let your child go to school alone?

Jared in his possible school look

When he is 20, I guess (LOL!) Yeah, not until he’s in High School!

There really is a slim chance for me to let Jared go to school on his own. Once he starts going to school, I will be the one to personally bring him + fetch him afterwards. What with all the crazy things happening around us (not to mention my increasing paranoia!), the trouble of preparing in the morning to go to school with him will actually be a welcome trouble + a small price to pay, for not being worried sick the whole day thinking about him.

I’d be boarding the school bus with him in the morning + would hang around the school premises until he finishes his classes. Or maybe I can enroll in a Yoga class nearby, or run around the school grounds, or blog lazily in the school canteen. It actually makes me feel giddy + excited pondering at the thought. Am sure I’ll find loads of things to do to pass the time away whilst I await for my school boy 🙂

What say you? Got any plans on letting your kiddo go to school on his own any time soon? What about your plans to spend the time away while waiting for their classes to finish? Maybe you’ll enroll in computer classes or train to be a radiology technician, perhaps? Or, on second thought, may it will be more appealing to simply relax!  😉

Whatever, share it with us at When SAHM-one  Speaks

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raising a picky eater

What do you do to make your kids eat the food that is served to them without giving in to their food preference?

I guess when it comes to feeding Jared, the key will always have to be listen to the signal he is sending or the message he is trying to communicate. I cannot really make him eat the food I served him 100% of the time + there is no way I will force him!

When he was just starting to eat his solids, it was really quite a daunting task to feed him, I noticed that he’d only want to try a different type of food once. If i mash him carrots for today, for example, I must give him a different one tomorrow, like papaya or other, the next day, otherwise, he will not eat it! It has been like that for awhile. Even when I make him Cerelac he would easily get tired of its taste + refuse having it the next day!

He also went into that phase when he’d entirely refuse any solid food I offer. I’ve tried variety of food but all I’d get as an answer is a mouth tight shut + several shakes of his head telling me “no mum”. I was worried for awhile thinking he might not be getting the complete amount of nutrients + minerals he needed to grow up stronger + healthier.

Nowadays, although we’d still have struggles when feeding, he’d normally gladly accept anything I feed him, especially rice + soup. My son just enjoys having soup, so we make it a point to include it  in our menu each meal time as much as we can.

I guess the key really is to listen to what our babies are trying to tell us. They would accept solid when they want to + when they are ready, as much as they’d ask for their milk when they hungry + stop feeding when they are full.

For now, his feeding bottle is his best friend, but I have no worries about it. I read somewhere that it is really ideal to wait until your child is ready to wean, instead of force-weaning him. I guess, I’d content myself in listening for the meantime, anyway, there will be loads of time for solid eating when he is a bit older. I’ll let him enjoy the bottle for now.

When SAHMone Speaks

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