cara welfare philippines website re-launch

CARA Welfare Philippines

Although, I do not have a pet at the moment, since I haven’t fully recovered from the loss of my favorite pets, Glenn + Lassie, all those many years ago, plus I chose not to keep a pet whilst Jared is still small. He was given a pet by his godmother, Chris, as a Christmas present, but we opted to return it since I cannot look after it whilst childminding + manning the house, but I do love pets + I adore dogs so much, I’d love to own a Lab one day soon. Dogs are such sensitive creatures + it really is a joy to have one at home.

That is why I am really in full support of CARA Welfare Philippines, which previously re-launched their website. Here’s a quote from the write-up:

CARA Welfare Philippines re-launches website

CARA Welfare Philippines was established in 2000 by a group of animal lovers determined to improve the lives of street animals here in the Philippines by the Spay/Neuter method to control the fast growing population. As we near our 12-year anniversary as a non-profit organization, CARA aims to help even more animals through our low cost Clinic in Malate as well as our Adoption, Education and Trap Neuter Return Programs.

As part of our continued growth, we are re-launching our website in an effort to make CARA more visible in the mainstream media and society. Our new site will be easier to navigate, as well as more informative, visually appealing and intimate. In depth information about our programs and events as well as stories about our rescues, will be accompanied by photos and updates. Our newsletter will provide the latest news on our activities, events, health and medical tips as well as our featured animals up for adoption.

We hope that our friends, followers, fans, sponsors and benefactors will enjoy the time and effort that we are putting into our new and improved site. We are extremely excited and proud to launch it, and hope that you will help CARA spread the word through posting on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as well as your personal blogs and community pages.

We thank you for your continued support of our programs and animals.

Please visit our website at

Do visit their site today + show your support to this worth cause. Fleas be with you!

CARA Welfare Philippines

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