Je Suis Reconnaissant!

“What are you grateful for recently?”

I am grateful for the clothes on my back, and the flipflops on my feet, i am grateful for the air that i breathe + for my heart that still has beats, but most recently, I am grateful for having to spend some quality bonding time with my son. We were able to go to Tagaytay this weekend + my son totally enjoyed it that it makes the long journey well worth it!

I have been quite preoccupied lately, doing stuff online that I must admit, gets a big chunk off of the time I should be spending with my son, instead.  You’d think being a stay-at-home-mum will give you all the time in the world to do whatever you want to, but in truth, 24 hours a day is hardly ever enough for all the things that I must do + I struggle to keep a healthy balance. But, of course, earning online or not, my son will always be a priority! So whether I am busy writing about Cheap medical scrubs, or tinkering something on this blog to improve it, or busy searching for a suitable theme for Jared’s blog that I am migrating to WordPress as of this writing, I make sure I take care of my son’s needs + wants first, before anything  else.

Sharing this through:


Here are last week’s participants:

Digital Catharsis * I Live to Eat * Darkanjel’s Life Musings * Sassy Chef * Pinoy in the South * My Thoughts in Letters * My Everyday * Mirage * Daily Notes * MumWrites * It’s Me and Beyond * Elghrasya * Mommy Diary

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1 Comment

  1. You’re so right, Vix! 24 is not enough Esp for a stay-at-home mom like us. But we still have so much to be grateful, just staying at home and not missing any of our kid’s milestones is a blessing enough. 🙂

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