A few weeks back, Jared’s dad went to pick up my Human Heart Nature Welcome Kit from their head office in Quezon City, I nearly have no time to go myself so I asked him if he can get it for me. I think I might have mentioned before that I bought this dealership voucher from one of the those online groupon sites early this year.
For less than P500 {about $12}, I was able to get myself this Welcome Kit that includes 9 {nine} 50-ml HHN products {those not in photo went straight to my stash in the bathroom, the deodorant went to Jared’s dad :)}
I have tried some of the items {I actually used up all the feminine wash + the moisturizing conditioner}+ I really love them! I plan to replace my old products with these natural, earth-friendly ones. + what’s even greater news is, as a dealer, I get to purchase these items at discounted prices! I intend to visit their local shop here in Bulacan to replenish my personal stocks + I will also get a shampoo for the little man, too, which he can use once his recent shampoo bottle runs empty.
Welcome to the HHN club Vix! I’m sure you’ll get addicted to buying their stuff. I am in love with their hair products and kids body wash. 😀
thank you sis Gene! I cannot wait to try the shampoo + body wash for kids, I will troop to the local HHN shop here as soon as Jared’s bottle is empty! 😀
I’ve been wanting to sign up but I always forget to send the application. They deliver for free sis, right?
they deliver for a minimal fee anywhere in the Philippines. For Metro Manila I think the shipping charge is P50