Nice To Know You Wednesday 06

Nice to Know You Wednesdays, memes, online q + a

It has been a looong time since I last posted a NTKYW + I sincerely apologize. Just to let you know am not really this tardy. I guess this mum is just way too preoccupied with things that I have to do online + elsewhere that this meme has to take a backseat for a while. But that is all under the bridge now {I hope} + I welcome you all to this week’s edition of Nice To Know You Wednesday!

First off, I’d like to thank everyone who joined us in the last edition: JadeIngua, Trish, Mitch, Mys, Chie101, + I welcome 2 new participants: Gaylee {a fellow Virgo + good friend of Mommy Mitch} + Shahz {who is the very first participant who put her photo on her post, I love it! :)}. Thanks guys for joining, I do hope more people will join us in the coming weeks.

 Now on with our 5 questions of the week:

  1. Post your favorite photo. Why is it your favorite? {Thank you sis Shahz for the inspiration ;)}
  2. What was your last Tweet about?
  3. How many blogs do you own? How do you manage to maintain them all?
  4. What was the last thing you received in the mail? You can post a photo, if desired 🙂
  5. Who sent you the very first message on your inbox?

My answers:

mum + Jared's photo on his 1st birthday
  1. This is easily my favorite photo, not only because a lot of people loved it, too, but more importantly because it marks a milestone in our lives. This was taken on my son’s first birthday which also marks my first year of being a mum.
  2. This is my last tweet {from my Facebook wall}:
    Warning to all. Hackers are now targeting people with Paypal accounts. You’ll receive an email that looks like it’s an official email from Paypal saying that someone is sending a money to your account and that you need to accept/confirm it. When you click on the link on the email, it will bring you to a bogus site and once try to log-in, your Paypal details are already compromised because it’s not a real Paypal site but a phishing site. Make sure that when you log-on to Paypal, you don’t click from the email but type the paypal address on the address bar of your browser.
  3. I have 2 main blogs, my mum blog + my baby blog. I recently put up my travel blog + 2 more are still left un-updated, a baby products blog + a foodie blog. I have not really found the time to update the last two, but, basically, I just try to update my two main blogs by creating posts every week, if doing it daily is not possible.
  4. I just received the prints I ordered from Artscow + I was so excited. Those are photos of my little man’s baptismal. I will be posting it as soon as I can 🙂
  5. The first message in my inbox was from Giveaway Blogs.
Now it is your turn to answer, I will wait for your entries, right? 🙂
Again, this is how we play this meme:
  1. Every Wednesday we will answer 5 interesting questions
  2. Include one of the beautiful meme badges (found at the bottom of this post)  in your post
  3. You may also add a photo if you deem it appropriate
  4. Link your post to the linky which will be open for 5 days starting every Wednesday of the week
  5. Visit as much of the participants + leave a comment telling them you did
  6. The most interesting answers will be feature on next week’s edition

You can grab the badges here + you can also check out the previous Nice to Know You’s here

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