It is the last Wednesday of the month, a holiday {Bonifacio Day} + what perfect way to say goodbye to November but with Nice To Know You Wednesday 🙂 I have been tardy, I am much guilty. The very last one I posted only got one participant + I would like to thank mommygagay for sharing her witty answers the last time. I was so delighted that you joined + made my meme a tad happier, so kindly use my contact form + leave your details, I have a little something for you as a token 🙂
Well, hopefully, this week’s edition won’t suffer the same dismal fate. So, on with our 5 questions of the week:
- When you have one whole day to yourself, what would you do + why?
- Are you a morning or night person?
- What did you have for breakfast today?
- What is the last book you read?
- Have you started your Christmas shopping?
- If I had an entire day to myself + nothing else to worry about, I will probably do the following: read as many books as I can, watch as many films as I can, write + mail as many postcard I can finish, hang around lazily all day or visit the salon for a much-needed haircut, plus manicure-pedicure + a relaxing foot spa 😀
- I used to be very nocturnal + would tend to be sluggish in the morning, I still am but sometimes when the little man is up way too early, I have no choice but muster enough energy to match his early in the morning.
- I just had a mug of cornflakes with freshmilk.
- The last book I read was My Corner of The Sky, + I shall be posing my review very soon.
- I just started buying a few things for my little man, mostly books + toys. Maybe, if the budget is enough, we can start shopping for shirts, pants + shoes over the weekend, if not I guess I have to wait for Jared’s dad’s payday or until I can withdraw enough funds from my paypay account 🙂

Again, this is how we play this meme:
- Every Wednesday we will answer 5 interesting questions
- Include one of the beautiful meme badges  in your post
- You may also add a photo if you deem it appropriate
- Link your post to the linky which will be open for 5 days starting every Wednesday of the week
- Visit as much of the participants + leave a comment telling them you did
- The most interesting answers will be feature on next week’s edition
You can grab the badges here + you can also check out the previous Nice to Know You’s here.
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