my pink-hearted teddy

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pink stuff, morningspink stuff, mornings

My post for today was inspired by my usual early-morning companion for a number of weeks now. He is the perfect partner for he keeps me awake in the wee hours of the morning so I can finish my online tasks way before the little man wakes up from his sound slumber. He also keeps me alert + ready, he helps make the scattered ideas brimming off the top of my head coherent and intelligible once I’ve typed it down for yet-another-gw-article- in- the-making.  Needless to say I am really thankful that I have him in my life now + am also in gratitude to the lovely person who gifted me with him.

Now, before you draw your own conclusions, I was actually referring to my pink-hearted-teddy heart-shaped mug. Isn’t he just a darling? Suis reconnaissant to the equally lovely, sis Cherry, for this token. Now even my morning coffee is full of hearts, literally! 🙂

I look forward to more adventures with my mug + my morning coffee, here’s to more tasks + earning opportunities, more giveaways to join + win, more deadlines to beat + more hopefully-slightly intelligent blog post to write in the coming new year! 😉

what is your pink share this week?

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  1. very cute 🙂 and am sure it taste heavenly too. Returning the visit for Pink Fridays Sis. I do appreciate your visit too.

    Happy New Year to you and to your family circle

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