Today is one of those days that happen only once in 4 years + I guess being that it is so rare, it is that much of a big deal, them leap years! The people born today are celebrating their rare birthdays, too, + to that I send my greetings! Cheers! 😀
Today is also that time of the week again for Nice To Know You Wednesday + before I go on to our 5 interesting questions of the day, here is the winner for last week’s little giveaway:

I am glad that one of the NTKYW regulars won! Congratulations, sis! I will send you an e-mail for instructions. + thanks to all who participated!
Okay, on to our 5 questions, I would love to read your endearing answers to these queries:
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
- Where did you grow up?
- What is the last thing you watched on the tellie?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Where would you retire?
My answers:
- There are just so many places I’d want to see if I have enough means + resources to travel, among them: Boracay, Puerto Princesa, Sagada, CamSur + a bunch of other beautiful destinations in our country, + Rome, to sample loads of pasta + pizza + visit the Pope, any island in the Carribean, England, to visit some of the interesting landmarks, including Westminster Abbey, The London Eye, London High Street + Princess Diana’s resting place. I would love to go to the US, too, to visit Disney World + the Harry Potter Theme Park. Oh, how I wish…:D
- I grew up in the same city, although in a different barrio here. It was a small barangay + all the people either know everyone else or are blood-related. It was a quiet place in the province, where we’d fly kites or ride our bikes with Papa on Sunday afternoons. I miss those laid back days + I sure miss being a kid!
- We were watching Pinoy Big Brother last night before we decided to call it a day. Although I enjoy the excitement that goes around the house, I especially love watching Tin, Biggle, Slater + Carlo, one character is actually getting into my nerves + I don’t think I can be as diplomatic as his housemates if I were there + he threw the antic at me! 🙂
- Fortunately I do not drive one {so why did I ask this question again? :)} but if I could, I’d go for one of those hybrid cars, like a Toyota Prius, perhaps.
- If I could, I would love to retire somewhere near the beach {so I can go swimming, jogging + do yoga by the shore!} with a little cottage and an organic garden patch on the side. Am not sure if I can afford to purchase a parcel of that land in this lifetime, though, so, I guess I can settle anywhere I can harness my budding green thumb {if I ever got one!} + grow my own tomatoes + stuff, with loads of greens in the horizon, a wide space where I can run + walk in the morning, + yep, don’t forget, a strong internet connection, so I can still update this mum blog, which is most probably a grandmum’s blog by then! 😉