nice to know you wednesday + leap years

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Today is one of those days that happen only once in 4 years + I guess being that it is so rare, it is that much of a big deal, them leap years! The people born today are celebrating their rare birthdays, too, + to that I send my greetings! Cheers! 😀

Today is also that time of the week again for Nice To Know You Wednesday + before I go on to our 5 interesting questions of the day, here is the winner for last week’s little giveaway:

nice to know you wednesdays, nice to know you wednesday giveaways, announcement, online q + a
congratulations, sis Mys! 😀

I am glad that one of the NTKYW regulars won! Congratulations, sis! I will send you an e-mail for instructions. + thanks to all who participated!

Okay, on to our 5 questions, I would love to read your endearing answers to these queries:

  1. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
  2. Where did you grow up?
  3. What is the last thing you watched on the tellie?
  4. What kind of car do you drive?
  5. Where would you retire?

My answers:

  1. There are just so many places I’d want to see if I have enough means + resources to travel, among them: Boracay, Puerto Princesa, Sagada, CamSur + a bunch of other beautiful destinations in our country, + Rome, to sample loads of pasta + pizza + visit the Pope, any island in the Carribean, England, to visit some of the interesting landmarks, including Westminster Abbey, The London Eye, London High Street + Princess Diana’s resting place. I would love to go to the US, too, to visit Disney World + the Harry Potter Theme Park. Oh, how I wish…:D
  2. I grew up in the same city, although in a different barrio here. It was a small barangay + all the people either know everyone else or are blood-related. It was a quiet place in the province, where we’d fly kites or ride our bikes with Papa on Sunday afternoons. I miss those laid back days + I sure miss being a kid!
  3. We were watching Pinoy Big Brother last night before we decided to call it a day. Although I enjoy the excitement that goes around the house, I especially love watching Tin, Biggle, Slater + Carlo, one character is actually getting into my nerves + I don’t think I can be as diplomatic as his housemates if I were there + he threw the antic at me! 🙂
  4. Fortunately I do not drive one {so why did I ask this question again? :)} but if I could, I’d go for one of those hybrid cars, like a Toyota Prius, perhaps.
  5. If I could, I would love to retire somewhere near the beach {so I can go swimming, jogging + do yoga by the shore!} with a little cottage and an organic garden patch on the side. Am not sure if I can afford to purchase a parcel of that land in this lifetime, though, so, I guess I can settle anywhere I can harness my budding green thumb {if I ever got one!} + grow my own tomatoes + stuff, with loads of greens in the horizon, a wide space where I can run + walk in the morning, + yep, don’t forget, a strong internet connection, so I can still update this mum blog, which is most probably a grandmum’s blog by then! 😉
I am looking forward to reading your answers, do link up here, right? + visit the other participants’ entries, too, to make it twice the fun 😉


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  1. i’m join this week for the first time. i’ll post my link later. we’re the same on number 5, mum vix. i would like somewhere i could plant too.

  2. Its my first time to join the fun sis….

    Taal na Bulakenya ka pala sis…kasi kami fake eh heehheh…

    See yah around. Miss ko na PMC

    1. waah, am so happy! thanks for joining, mommy Cielo! ^_^ bulakenya talaga ang mama ko, i was born in taguig pero we move here when i was eight…i miss PMC, too, hopefully we’ll have a get-together very soon. mwah! 🙂

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