on earning extra while being a stay-at-home mum

I guess I might have to change that into a WAHM or a work-at-home mum very soon. Not that I have found a regular 9-5 job while I stay at home to care for my little man, ’cause that really is impossible being that motherhood is a 24/7 job in itself, but, thanks to the internet + blogging, I have found a way to somehow earn while I do exactly that, stay at home.

While I strive to work on building my blogs’ links + following {+ keeping my fingers crossed that I fully monetize them very soon!}, I also write for other bloggers, on the side. These bloggers are just way over their heads with opportunities + tasks, they hardly have enough time to finish them all. We call it in blog lingo, GW or ghost writing. Although I am certain doing GW tasks won’t make me rich no matter how many articles I write for my friends, the fees I collect from doing these tasks keep my Paypal account happy + somehow allow me to buy some things for me + the little man. I have bought some books for Jared + myself + even paid my broadband + electric bills with them at one point. Another thing I love about these GW tasks is that I get to learn something new each time I get a task. A keyword can sometimes be foreign to me that I have to research about it, thus giving me another new thing or word to learn. 🙂

Even if these GW tasks don’t really come regularly, + there would be times that I won’t receive one for days on end, it is but still another great way for me to earn online. + I know that even if I saved everything I earned from them, it won’t be enough to send my son to College + I might just have to get a real job when the time comes, or consider trying those nurse practitioner jobs dallas  or one of those east texas medical center jobs, + wished hard that I qualified, I would love to do those GW tasks as long as one single blogger friend will entrust me to do one for her 🙂

image is not mine

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  1. That’s good to hear Vix! You’re such an excellent writer even when we were in high school. They will never go wrong offering you to blog for them… God bless on your new task on hand and the little man to cooperate as well. 😛

  2. I did not even know there was anyone out there like you who did that. I am Happy to know there is though as sometimes I can not get everything I need done so it is nice to know there is someone out there that can help.

    1. i have a number of friends who do the same thing…don’t hesitate to contact me, in case you will need my services in the future..thanks 🙂

  3. Internet has been a boon for the educated mothers who leave their permanent jobs to give enough time to their family and children. More than monetary benefits, I feel it gives you personal and mental satisfaction that in this fast moving world, you are not wasting your time and education just by staying at home and looking after your children. It gives you an opportunity to make fruitful use of your writing skills and at the same time helps in making some quick buck.

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