mother’s day 2012

Mother's Day, occasions, simple pleasures

This year’s Mother’s Day is really uneventful, what with the little man nursing a high fever + mum waking up with a swollen jaw on Mother’s Day morning. The only saving grace of that day is the delicious Jollibee meal we had come dinner time + when my other siblings, Ken + Bel, dropped by to spend the day with us. The little man’s sudden interest in chicken is quite a revelation. Before we can even say “eat,” he was holding a chicken leg with two hands + nibbling on the crunchy + coated chicken skin. 🙂

Oh well I also had to do a ton of laundry later that day but I have no complains whatsoever, as I remembered how my little man grabbed me + planted a wet kiss on my lips that beautiful morning, as if to greet me a “Happy Mother’s Day.” We have also celebrated Mother’s Day a week in advance when we went to Expo Momwatched The Avengers the previous week. I also got to buy a number of interesting stuff for my Jared at the time, so, I am such a happy camper!^_^

Mother's Day, occasions, simple pleasures

But wait, there is more, a day after Mother’s Day I got this package. It was a watch gift set from my siblings. My very first Mother’s Day gift ever! It even came with this simple note from my sister. What more can I really ask for? 🙂

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