how to keep your home spic-and-span while living with a toddler

home, motherhood, parenting 101, tips + tricks
the little man’s baby clothes bin, which we have then re-purposed to hold most of his toys + books

Little toddlers are great accumulators of stuff, won’t you agree? My little man is only three but you cannot imagine how many toys, books, among other things, he’s collected {or, erm, I collected for him!} over that span of time. Where he gets the energy to go through each item + scatter them in the living room each day also baffles me! It was a good thing he often agrees to arrange these things after play, but in some occasions, he won’t just listen + mum has to tidy his play area all over again! I know he is still a tad little to be a stickler to cleanliness at this stage, although he can have his moments, but it was never too early to teach him a thing or two about keeping even just his little work space spic-and-span, won’t you agree? I would love for him to get used to keeping things in order so he can carry the habit when he is all grown-up! So how do we keep things in our homes in order while making our little tots happy to play with their stuff + all? Here are a few of my thoughts:

  • to get rid of unnecessary clutter delegate a place for all your child stuff, it can be a shelf in the corner of the room, or a big box when he cans stash his toys + books after play
  • make cleaning up his toys fun by making a game out of it. maybe you can try basketball + shoot hoops using his box as the ring + his toys as the balls! just make sure to not include those breakable ones, right? 😉
  • you can also encourage him to clean up after each play by counting each toy while they make their way onto the shelf or the box, that way you not only make it fun for him but educational, too!
  • it will be ideal if you can hire a green carpet cleaning new york-based to clean up your carpet for you, but to veer off the carpet-cleaning altogether you might want to put a protector on your carpet or discourage little ones from bringing liquid or anything that might spill onto your immaculate carpet, in the first place. Maybe you can also designate the carpet somewhere the kids do not frequent.
  • Cleaning up after all the clutter have accumulated, say after a week or two, for example, might be a lot tiring, so you might as well practice clearing up counter-tops or purging the pantry or the study table of clutter daily, that way not many trash + stuff will accumulate + you will only have to set aside a few minutes of your time each day to do the task. 🙂
Try practicing this for a week + see how your home turn spic-and-span in a matter of days. Let me know how it goes, right? 😉

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  1. My nephew is also 3 yo..not only will he scatter his toys around the house, but he’ll do that also with grocery stuff. Sometimes, when he’s in the mood, he would tidy things up when told to do so. But as you know, kids have very short attention span. Soon,they’ll be running off. Lol!

  2. Yes, my 5 years old has a lot of things that he has collected in his life span:D and I thought I am the only one who loves garbage LOL but now I bought him a drawer/cabinet with 3 drawers where he can put his toys, school supplies, and other stuffs.

  3. Its good to designate a place for toddlers to play and stash their toys. I do that with my 2 yr old.

  4. Been spring cleaning every month since I decided to pare down and live simply. My pre-schooler’s toys and stuff really challenges my resolve 🙂

  5. im bracing myself for these kind of times…. 🙂 but i think it may be messy but its a sweet mess…. 🙂 but your suggestions seem fun so malamang lang little tots would definitely participate… il keep a mental note of these….

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