of costumes + halloweens

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parenting 101, Jared's nook, mum's thoughts
I know that Halloween is not due until the last week of October, but I just thought it would be best to scout for a great costume for the little man this early, plus am also contemplating on having him wear a Lightning McQueen costume on his 3rd birthday celebration. I reckon nothing beats an early bird, plus it allows more time for Jared to give his costume a try so that he will be all set by the time he needs to wear them. Not to mention, costumes cost a lot cheaper now compared to a few months later when the Halloween fever sets in.
If truth be told, I wasn’t really that encouraged to get a costume for my little tot when he was younger. I remember he’d fuss over a head piece when we went to look around for a Halloween costume last year. In the end, I dressed him in plain clothes since he really refused to try anything out! Maybe he is still a bit younger + all the hoopla is just too much for him-.
This year, though, I thought since he’s getting really bigger + more mature, I think he’d be more open to try a costume out. Especially if I can find him something like that one on the photo.  He absolutely adores anything Lightning McQueen + I reckon it will be much easier to convince him to try a costume like this! I’ve found it on Spirithalloween.com, by the way. They have a got a lot of interesting Cars costumes in their collection, as well as numerous costume ideas for women! Who knows, maybe I can also find one for myself + we’d go on matching costumes to celebrate Halloween later this year. Oh well, all I need now is some fund on my Paypal account so I buy this one + my little man will be all set! 😉
image is not mine

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  1. hehheh..thats really cool costume there in the pics. Halloween is coming and surely needed some costumes like these. Thanks for sharing!

  2. i know some friends who are already preparing for their halloween costumes! Mcqueen costume is great. I wanna be spiderwoman or catwoman this halloween!!! meow!

  3. Halloween’s the time of year when I always wish I was gifted with talent in needlework. It’ll be easier to just sew their costumes than scour the malls for one they truly like. There’s so into Jake and The Neverland Pirates now that that’ll probably be their costume this October.

  4. oh my, nice costumes nga! my daughter has been coming up with really outrageous ones she says we can make for halloween. try robot! gah! XD

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