a few days before the little man’s birthday

children's birthday party, Jared, Jared's nook, mum's thoughts, occasions

I have a few more days left before the little man’s birthday + his celebration come Sunday afternoon at a local McDonald’s branch here in our city. I succumbed to one of their Partypid packages out of necessity. The joy of having a party somewhere else + having almost everything taken care of for you, including the party hosts, the balloons + decorations, the program, as well as the food + the loot bags is the convenience of sleep + just showing up on the day of the party itself! Heaven-sent to 24/7 mums like me who simply have most of her time occupied with seemingly endless chores + what-nots!

Oh well, if I had a choice {+ a much better cooking prowess that will allow me to spawn delectable dishes + delightful party treats like cupcakes + finger foods from my kitchen}, I would’ve loved to have just a very simple celebration here at home. I’d be in-charge of everything from blowing the balloons + preparing the loot bags. But, alas, apart from the much-lacking cooking abilities, we also do not have the space here to accommodate a handful of our guests, who happens to be personal friends from way back + kiddos of friends + families. Maybe in a few year’s time I’d be able to throw that simple party I’ve been dreaming about + do all the preparations myself.

Anyways, it won’t be long now  until my little man’s birthday celebration + am really quite excited! I shall be back soon with photos of the party! Meanwhile, I will leave you with the photo I took of our party invites. Yes, we’ve opted for Toy Story since Cars is not available elsewhere. Hopefully we’ll finally have a Lightning McQueen party soon! 😉

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