Children’s Autumn/Winter Essentials

children products, products for children, clothes for children, tips + tricks


You probably remember your own mother extolling the virtues of a good winter coat… She might even still insist you wrap up better! It goes without saying that when it comes to winter, a warm winter coat or jacket is the most important garment in your little one’s winter wardrobe.

While this is probably the most expensive item you’re going to have to buy, there are some good bargains out there – Polarn O. Pyret’s jackets are renowned for their quality, functionality and durability, and as such, their resell value if you went to resell on eBay is phenomenal- either that, or you can save if for your next child (many items in PO.P’s range are unisex – one of their many unique selling points). PO.P even does thermal outerwear as part of its newborn clothes range, which is really handy.


While a jacket with a hood is good, an additional hat is even better. Simple and quick to put on or take off, a hat is the ultimate temperature control garment – did you know that human beings omit 90% of their body heat through their heads? And what’s more, hats look pretty stylish too.


Quick and easy to put on or take off, even when you’re in a hurry, this is another instant body temperature regulator. And not only that, but a simple scarf is a relatively inexpensive way to brighten up your child’s outfit, too.


Another legacy from our dear mothers, we know that having warm, dry feet throughout the winter season is essential for a happy disposition… And what better to keep your child’s feet warm and dry than a good sturdy pair of boots?
For girls, boots look cute and smart with dresses and skirts, too, or even over leggings or slim-cut jeans for an instantly more casual look.Boots with elasticated sides are great for boys who tend not to bother undoing their laces to put their shoes/boots on or take them off before they rush to their next fun exploit.

Thermal layer

children products, products for children, clothes for children, tips + tricks

A thermal layer or vest is a light and inexpensive way of ensuring that your child can keep warm during play without having too much bulk around the arms, which can restrict them and even cause them to slightly overheat. A thermal layer will keep your child’s mid-section warm so that blood won’t have to rush there to keep the vital organs warm, leaving it to circulate properly and keep fingers, toes, and limbs nice and toasty – child and baby clothes at Polarn O. Pyret are all about ultimate comfort and functionality, combined with simple but effective styling.

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  1. Although we do not experience winter in our country, most of our clothes can pass off as Winter garments because it does get really cold up here in the mountain, especially during the BER months up to February. 😛

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