Christmas countdown, a Lucky Giveaway Joiner + a Flash Giveaway!

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announcement, giveaway alert, giveaways, Flash Giveaway, Christmas

Am sorry I had to squeeze all those in one post, but you know how crazy these days are and we’re all trying to maximize our efforts even in our blog posts! šŸ˜‰

A lucky giveaway joiner, that’s me! To tell you the truth, joining giveaways had been one of the most effective ways to pass the time, especially when I’ve been online for a while and not one single idea for a post is coming to me. To fight boredom, and sleepiness most times, I’d join every giveaway I can get my hands to and viola, before I knew it an hour or two had passed! The fruits of those labor pay off a number of times this year as I have won a handful of those giveaways, I’ve won a stash of children’s books and a beauty loot, to name a few. I have yet to blog about most of them here, actually.

Anyway, I recently won 3 Firmoo Gift Vouchers! And, since it’s only 5 days before Christmas, am sharing these Firmoo Gift Vouchers to 3 lucky readers as a way of greeting you a very Merry Christmas! This flash giveaway will be up until 12 midnight tomorrow, 21 December!

All you need to do is follow the prompt in the Rafflecopter widget below and you’re all set! Join now and good luck! Oh, and I’ve got a number of other giveaways running at the moment, too, you might as well join them while you’re at it! ^_^

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: This giveaway is, not in any way, related with Firmoo!

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    1. who knows this might just be the day you win, right? šŸ˜‰ just keep on joining + am sure you will one of those giveaways soon enough! good luck!

  1. My Christmas wish would consist of wishes for my family to be happy and hope that the day will be filled with happiness.

  2. The only thing on my wish list for me is to be able to pay for my computer being fixed and that’s if it’s fixable!

  3. I would like either a laptop or a tablet for Christmas. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

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