Mumwrites + NikkiPrints P900 Thoughtfulness Pass Giveaway

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I simply love paper and all things personalized. They are perfect gifts for friends and loved ones and a great addition to my collection of stationery and paper stuff which I use for my postcrossing hobby. That is why when I encountered NikkiPrints, an online shop on Facebook that sells personalized items, in one of the mommy blogs I frequent, I just had to check it out and see what it offers.

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NikkiPrints offers an assortment of personalized items, including gift tags, sticker labels, business cards, pen and pad sets, sketch pads for kiddos, notepads and planners, as well as mugs and pins. They also make invitations and party favors for birthdays and other special occasions. The possibilities are endless, really, and what’s great is that you can fully personalized each item to suit you or the recipients’ preference and whim! Not to mention that their products are all affordably-priced that spreading cheer and thoughtfulness now comes easy, as Teacher Nikki puts it, thoughtfulness does not have to be hard! Visiting this online shop makes me feel like a little girl with a candy jar! I wanted to order everything! 😀

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a perfect personalized gift for mums

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A Healthier Lifestyle + A New Blog

yoga, women health, health, simple pleasures, blogging

I did mention I shall be aiming to live a healthier, fitter life {yet again} this year. It has been a perennial goal, really, but am gearing towards getting some visible results this year. For starters, I will be cutting down my meat consumption and shall be going back to my pseudo-vegetarianism {if there is such a thing} way of life. I did it for more than 4 years before so I can see no reason why I cannot do it now.

Another thing that I would be doing more of this year is my yoga class. And as proof of my newly-reignited love affair, I even put up a new blog to chronicle my journey in the mat, along with all things yoga and health related. Yoga is my hands-down weapon of choice. For starters, it does not require complicated and expensive equipment, like Polar RCX 5 or treadmill. No need to buy expensive trainers as I do it barefoot in my most comfortable pregnancy clothes! 🙂  Also, it not only helps you strengthen your core through stretching and calms the mind through meditation and relaxation, but also encourages you to be more attuned to your spirituality. It even inspires you to start a healthier lifestyle, which for a mum like me is really such a must!

yoga, women health, health, simple pleasures, blogging
my inspiration to live a healthier life…

I want to be healthier so that I can be around much longer for my little man. I want to have a stronger body so that I can wrestle, run and play along with him. I want for us to make the most of our time together. It was, after all, in this little bundle of joy that I have found my life purpose and I would love to devout my life serving that purpose.

Oh well, I have not updated my new blog much. I have only hit the mat once this month, plus other things get in the way. But, I will make sure to post about my Yoga experience there real soon. I hope you can pay my new baby, mum does yoga, a visit! 😉

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A Plea For A Stable Judicial System

Philippines Today, news, current issues
Statement of Concern signatories

A group of concerned individuals from the Intergrated Bar of the Philippines {IBP}, the Philippine Association of Law Schools and from various law schools in the country, issued this Statement of Concern {which I am partially quoting}:

We believe that a stable judicial system is the cornerstone of a healthy economic and business environment. Local and foreign investors will be encouraged to invest in a place where they are assured that courts will function normally, will observe the rule of law, and will level the playing field for everyone.

We believe that underlying a stable judicial system is respect for the finality and immutability of judgments, which tells us that, at the risk of occasional errors, litigation must come to an end some time and the winning party must be allowed to enjoy the fruits of his victory…

We are alarmed beyond words. The case of Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation vs. Keppel Cebu Shipyard, Inc. transcends the private commercial interests of the parties as it involves the abandonment of sacrosanct legal doctrines that are the strength of any legal system. The case has opened the floodgate for zombie cases. From now on, no final judgment will ever remain final. Immutability of judgments will become a fiction of law. The entire judicial system will fall into disrepute.

We respectfully appeal to the Supreme Court NOT TO ABANDON the sacred and time honoured principle of immutability of judgments but to continue applying it and thereby restore and preserve the stability of our judicial system.

In the light of the recent controversies involving our Supreme Court, starting with the SteelCorp questionable liquidation proceedings, to the Pioneer Vs. Keppel fiasco, and now to the dodgy decision on the graft case against Nueva Ecija Mayor Efren Alvarez, I would like to join these concern citizens’ plea for a better judiciary system in our country.

Much has been said about the issues and a lot of individuals opined that a healthy judicial system is a great factor in building a prosperous and progressive society. If only for my peace of mind that the Philippines will be a better country for my little man to thrive in in the future, I do wish positive changes start happening now.

What are your thoughts?

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