Not too long ago, I was approached by I See Me if they can send over a free sample in exchange for an honest review. Books are my absolute loves and a personalized book for the little man {or for anyone in any age} is all right in my book, and I believe in anyone’s book, at any given time! :-))
From a wide array of exciting books for children to choose from, I opted for this Very Happy Birthday Personalized Book for Boys. It was rather timely as my son will be celebrating his 4th birthday this month. A few weeks after I submitted my request for this book, we received the parcel at home. The book tucked safely in a sea of bubblewraps to ensure that my son gets it in the best of condition.
I See Me Books in a nutshell
The I See Me Books are unlike most run-of-the-mill books you can simply purchase at any physical bookstores or any book shops online. They are personalized with your children’s faces and names, with your children playing a part of the book and being an important part of the story. Now, I know most mums will agree that there is nothing that thrills our kids that most, from the little babies to the ever-impressionable toddlers, than to see their faces or read their names on print! Call them little narcissists but they do get a kick at seeing their faces in just about anywhere, or reading their names on stuff they own, when they are a bit older.
Out of a wide variety of I See Me books available, one of the other reasons why I opted for the Happy Birthday Book is that my son is now in the his reading-my-letters phase. He can now read all the letters of the alphabet and although he is still hard-up on stringing these letters into words, he can now spell his own name and recognize them when he sees it. I am sure he will be delighted to read his name in every page of this personalized book. Besides he also enjoys reading and is now rediscovering his love for mum-reading-aloud so he will surely have a fascinating time hearing me read all about the animals’ adventure in helping prepare a special birthday party for him! And did I mention he loves animals? Plus it is also a perfect tool to build up his anticipation for his upcoming birthday! 😀