Mum Is Back!

mum's thoughts, greetings

Hello everybody! You must’ve have wondered whether I fell off the side of the earth since I have been absent for almost a week now! Oh well, I had to take an unintended hiatus, no thanks to my ever unreliable broadband connection. I do not want to go into the gory details and relieve all the stress and headache it went with. I am just counting my blessings and am thankful that I am now back! Yep, knee-deep in my deadlines and with a dozen or so stuff I need to do around here. First off, the drawing of my two current giveaways, one for the Champ Chewable Vitamins Gift Pack and the Babypalooza Sand Puff + Sophie the Giraffe Giveaway. I shall be working on them later on when I get back from the little man’s playschool so I hope you all cross your fingers and good luck! You might also want to join my latest giveaway, The Triple Bloggers’ Treat Cash Giveaway, while you’re here! 😀

And what do you know? I have just been away from the online world for a while and we are ushering in a new month, my favorite of all, in fact! July had been quite eventful and I am crossing my fingers that August will be just as good {sans all the negativity and the stress, please!}. I have 29 more days to prepare for my little man’s very first party at school. I am giddy like a little girl with excitement. I will tell you all about that one in a separate post.

Anyway, I have a couple of book reviews, an event post and hopefully a whole lot of positive vibes to spread so I hope you all stay tuned. Have a wonderful day and may we all have a grand August!  :heart:

image is from

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