I guess human as we are, we are susceptible to complain and whine, but if we will all try lo look at our daily lives from a whole new perspective, we will find out that there are simply a lot of reasons to be happy and thankful about, and that they outweigh the reasons why we would like to complain in the first place.
The key really is to be more appreciative of what we have, instead of focusing on what we do not have, we will never be happy if we keep this kind of thinking. Besides, there are just too many little things in our daily life to appreciate, you’d probably lose track of what you want to complain about.
Long time ago, I saw this Oprah episodes all about keeping a gratitude journal. The drill was pretty simple, each day you’d write down 10 things that you are thankful for, as keeping an attitude of gratitude will really help you manage stress or whatever kind of problems you might be facing on a daily basis. I have never really gotten round to keep my own gratitude journal, but I make it a habit to enumerate what I was thankful for at the end of each day. This kind of thinking helps me keep a positive attitude and reminds me how lucky I am!
So, what do I appreciate today? Here are a few at the top of my head:
- that the little man’s Batman costume from last year’s Halloween still fits, it sure saved me a considerable amount of money since I did not have to get him a new set
- that Jared enjoyed the Trick or Treat activity at her tita‘s office, it meant I have loads of treats to munch on in the following days! 😀
- that we were able to spend some time with my niece and nephew, both of whom Jared misses so much
- that my little man no longer needs to take medicine {well, apart from the 30-day asthma pill, that is} and be nebulized
- that I am having quite a great hair day, can you tell from the photo! 😉
Now, what do you appreciate in your life today?