Thankful Thursday: Poinsettias + Surprises

mum's thoughts, simple pleasures, gratitude, Thankful Thursday, mum inspires

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at home! I have been meaning to get some of these lovely poinsettias ever since I saw them in mummy Peachy’s blog. They are just the loveliest and they sure are oozing with the Christmas color and vibe. I was told they were available in a garden somewhere in Manila around this time but I haven’t found the time to go and check it out.

I was suppose to go somewhere early this morning after dropping the little man to school but unfortunately the appointment was cancelled and fate led me somewhere else {read: the gardens in Tabang where I got a pot of this lovely flower I am not sure what the name is and a pot of Citronella, to ward off the mosquitoes}. I saw these lovely rows of poinsettias on my way to Tabang and made a mental note to drop by and inquire before I head home to drop off my newly acquired plants and go back to the little one’s school to fetch him.

mum's thoughts, simple pleasures, gratitude, Thankful Thursday, mum inspires
it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

The poinsettias are kinda pricey for a practical mum like me, good thing I was able to haggle and the kind elderly woman selling them gave them to me at a cheaper price. She just made my day! 🙂

I am also thankful for a number of surprises I got in the mail recently, including the nice homework caddy I got for the little man, these haul from Sample Room, and my favorite of all, the Michael Jackson and Pope John Paul II postcards I got today!

Here are a few more of my thankfuls:

  • the beautiful weather that allowed me to finish half of my laundry early
  • the regular updates on the blog {did you notice I am keeping up with my NaBloPoMo goal? :)}
  • the new opportunities brewing for the blog which I am excited about
  • the full moon we caught a glimpse of on our way back from our late afternoon run

Lastly, I am thankful that the little one really enjoyed the tinola we prepared for him and was just about ready to have his second helping before I set off to write this post. And did I mention he also finished his homework early? 🙂

Your turn now to share your Thursday Thankfuls!

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