Mum Finds: Free Math Apps For Kids From Splash Math

If you’re little one is drawn to his gadget like mine, I am sure you are always on the look out for age-appropriate apps that will allow them to learn while enjoying their tablet-time. I have currently discovered 2 more apps that I am sure most mums with little kids will like. These apps from Splash Math will give us peace of mind knowing our children have another safe and educational place to explore in their gadgets.

Preschool + Kindergarten Splash Math

Preschool & Kindergarten Splash Math, mum finds, Reviews, other review, apps, educational apps for children, Free Math App

This cool Math app is designed for children ages 3 to 6. The voice narration, as well as the good quality pictures, is enough to let the little kids have a great time learning about basic Math concepts. The little man loves animals and he really likes Hippo, the friendly guide and absolutely enjoys each activity. This is a great app to introduce numbers, basic Math problems, Geometry, and measurement to preschool-aged kids. 

Here is my short review about this app on iTunes:

The little man loves Hippo, as well as the activities in this app. Perfect for teaching the little ones about basic counting, addition, subtraction, Geometry + other Math concepts. The app is easy enough for little fingers to work their way around + also automatically applaud the child for a job well done. 

Splash Maths ~ Fun Math Game For Grades 1-5

Splash Math Fun Math Game for Grades 1-5, mum finds, Reviews, other review, apps, educational apps for children, Free Math App

This Math app is a collection of fun and interactive math problems that follow curriculum standards. Designed for children ages 4 and above, this app reinforces Math concepts like money, geometry, addition, subtraction through activities and games that I bet most children will love.

Here is my short iTunes review:

A great Math app for kids!

I always believed that Math is one of the trickiest subjects to teach the little ones, but Splash Math made it very fun + enjoyable the little one is always looking forward to his gadget time because of this! Now I won’t have to worry about teaching the little man about basic numbers + Math concepts as this app’s covered topics for Grades 1-5 Math!   

Join the 8 million+ users and Download Splash Math on iTunes! Or check them out on Google Play!

For more information about Splash Math, and their apps, do follow them through their various social media pages using @splashmath.

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While you are at it, why not write a short review of any Splash Math app on the iTunes App Store. If you have already reviewed Splash Math app, simply update your review. Send an email to with your iTunes nickname and the app you reviewed.

This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media and StudyPad Inc. All opinions expressed, however, are 100% my own.

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