Not to sound morbid or something, but I thought responsible parents ought to think ahead and prepare not only for their retirement, but also for their funeral. Commonly, most parents spread themselves too thin providing for their children, sending them to school, and making sure they have a brighter future. Yes, I hear you say “well done!” but these same parents who toiled and worked hard to provide for their children may have neglected planning for their own future, and have also failed to prepare and save for their retirement, more so for their funeral.
I agree that it might be difficult foreseeing your own funeral when you are as strong as a bull now and is in the pink of health, but there is no way we can tell when this will all be over and our borrowed time here on earth will be taken away from us. True, we can strive to live longer lives by eating healthy and maintaining a well-balanced life, but we can really only do so much. And it will utterly be heartbreaking to see our beloved children mourn our loss and worry about the financial burden we have left them with at the same time. I know I won’t let my little man suffer like that in the future. As much as possible, I would like for him to not worry about me in my old age and focus on his own life and his own family. One of my life goals is to fend for myself when I am older and not depend on my children for my needs. Somewhere in between, I would like to save up for my own retirement, and yes, my own funeral.
So how can you plan for your own funeral, then? Getting a simple funeral plan from your trusted insurance service is a good way to start. Different insurance companies provide various types of coverage depending on your preferences and your budget. Some might even ask you to enlist which funeral parlor you would want to provide for your services, and you can easily choose from a ready-made list they have available. You can opt for one of those funeral services in Sydney or any other services you might deem most capable. It is also up to you if you want to choose the most affordable plan or the most expensive ones, depending on how much you are willing to shell out for your own funeral. What’s better about these funeral plans is that you can easily set aside a small portion of your earning now to start paying for it, and before you know it, and luckily before you retire, you might have completed your plan and will be readily available by the time you might need it.
Have you secured a funeral plan yet? What inspired you to do so?
I found your blog through a comment from my blog. It pays to visit other blogs and read, I always say, because this post on having a funeral plan was something I never considered when I am coaching my team on financial planning.
I had been focusing on health and savings, having not considered funeral. This is more expenses that ideally, should not be shouldered by children, for one day, they will be adults and will have their own family and children too.
Thank you for taking the time to read and leaving a comment, Robert. It is true, thoughts about funerals are often considered morbid and something we’d rather not talk about, but if you are a parent, you think of these things because you do not want to burden them just in case.