This figure is according to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization {WHO}. Children around the world miss this much number of school days each year, that is equivalent to all grade school and high school classrooms in the Philippines being empty for one month! And the culprit for these missed school days you ask? Yes, diseases caused by poor sanitation and hygiene practices, including using unsanitary toilets. It it extremely unfortunate that these sanitation-related concerns get in the way of children’s learning and ultimately in improving the quality of their lives. I for one would never want illnesses to get in the way of the little man’s learning or in my family’s precious bonding time.
There are a number of illnesses we can acquire from toilet sanitation, including diarrhoeal disease and parasitic worm infections that can lead to nutritional deficiencies, physical and mental stunting, and even death. And it is sad to know that millions of children in rural communities and urban households nationwide are exposed to these health problems everyday by using dirty toilets populated by disease-carrying germs.
So what to do to help solve global sanitation problem?
The simple act of proper toilet sanitation goes a long way in protecting our children and families from disease-causing germs. And, yes, more often than not, ordinary laundry bleach is not enough to kill all toilet germs and sanitize our toilets at home. A clean-looking toilet may just be reeking with germs and bacteria and we need a germ-kill expert with proven efficacy in eliminating bacteria, that is why it is a wise and practical move to sanitize our toilets with Domex.
World Toilet Day and One Million Clean Toilets Movement
We celebrate the World Toilet Day on 13 November, and for the past 3 years now, Unilever Philippines’ Domex has been working with UNICEF and PPHA to champion the One Million Clean Toilets Movement, an advocacy program aiming to educate Filipinos about proper toilet hygiene and the need to sanitized household toilets in order to keep our families healthy and safe.
You can also lend a hand in the One Million Clean Toilets Movement and join the fight against disease causing germs to save lives, one toilet at a time, not only by making sure you have a sanitized toilet at home, but also by spreading the word about it. I urge you to watch this eye-opening video and share it to your families and friends, to help spread awareness on the dangers of un-sanitized toilets.
For more information about the One Million Clean Toilets Movement, and to learn more about Domex and how to keep your home germ-free, visit the Domex Philippines Facebook Page, or search for the hashtag #1MCleanToilets in your social media pages.
Thank you for sharing this.Sanitation. is a major issue especially in our cramped public schools. I hope more brands join in support of this program.
Yes, sanitation is such a major concern and it will be commendable if more brands will take a leaf off Unilever’s book and support this worthy cause.
This is a really good campaign!
Indeed and I do hope more people will take part in it!
We also use Domex to clean not just the comfort area but even the kitchen sink!
I also use it on my floors!
Everyday we should maintain the cleanliness in our toilet not just the toilet but also everything in our home, to avoid germs. And I hope more family will cooperate and support with this movement. Thank you so much for sharing.
Domex is love… I use it in my home for 3 years now!
I especially love the lemon-scented all-around cleaner. I use at home, too.
Thank you Domex for the campaign, really a good start for educating the community regarding proper sanitation 🙂 Nice!
yup, kudos to Domex for spearheading worthy causes like this campaign
I’m really strict with the cleaning of our surroundings now that my baby is crawling and my toddler is potty trained. I don’t want them getting sick!
cleanliness and sanitation must be a priority, especially for mums with little kids
Clean toilets and building of more toilets ( with waters supply) especially in far areas where people don’t have access to it. Thanks for sharing this!
This is a very good advocacy. Educational campaign drives to inform and teach people the importance of cleanliness is important to prevent the spread of germs. Kudos to Domex.
it sure is + I do hope more people, especially mums, will lend a hand to support this worthy cause.
We love domex! We are using it for years now.
A campaign worth supporting! Indeed everyone needs to do their share in keeping toilets clean.
Thanks for sharing, mommy! Love the sanitation campaign. I fully support this!
Sadly, sanitation nga is a majoy problem in the Philippines. Sana this movement works and inspires more. Thanks for sharing, Mommy! 🙂