Money Matters: 4 Mummy Money Tips

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Financial literacy is not being taught in school that more often than not, it is up to us mums to instill the value of money-saving especially to our small children. When I was a child, my Mama and Papa encouraged us to keep our own coin bank {we have each a coin bank made from bamboo, which we call bungbong in our vernacular} and save what little extra we have from our daily baon. It may not amount to much but it will come handy in times of emergency. I have passed on this tradition to the little man. It is a great way to teach him about Math and the valuable lessons about saving and managing his finances. Although, he does not have any other plans on where to spend his money other than buying new toys, I am sure that as he grows his buying preference will soon include purchasing books, buying school essentials, and perhaps, saving up his money in the bank, too!

Here are a 4 Mummy Money Tips from our friends at that I thought you’d be interested to teach your little ones, too. After all, it is never too early to teach them about saving to prepare them for a financially-secured life in the future. Teaching them as soon as possible will give them plenty of practice and will soon discipline them opt to save their money for emergency use instead of buying the latest toys, clothes or gadgets, or purchasing any expensive cajon accessories.

So which money tip are you most likely to teach your children and why?

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  1. great idea! My son is only 1 years old, and maybe a little bit too young, but I will definitely keep this in mind in the coming years!

  2. These are great tips. I am married to an accountant, so I am lucky that my budget is really good.

  3. It is our parental duties to teach our children how to be money savy. These are really wonderful and helpful tips to help parents create financial preparedness awareness in their kids minds.

  4. It is so important that we teach our children how to manage their finances. This can be so overwhelming when they get out into the world and start spending money.

  5. Im not a mom yet but a I remember that my mom used to gives us coins too to learn the value of money

  6. I love that this can be geared for kids. My two are at the stage now where they’re starting to think about money. I must introduce them to this.

  7. Teaching your kids how to save is definitely important. I had to learn this the hard way. Financial stability is not something we all mastered at a young age and starting your kids early will help them a lot in the future.

  8. Money matters to me too, that is why I also save! It is nice to know that there are mothers like you who are teaching your little ones to save even at a young age!

  9. I wish they would teach basics about money and money management in schools. Just last year I took all 5 of my kids to the bank individually to open up their own accounts. I had them take the money from their piggy banks and put half into savings, the other half they were able to use if they wanted or save up. So far they have been able to learn the basics but I hope I can teach them how to manage their money well and it sticks with them in the future.

  10. Indeed a great list here. The tips are all easy to understand that toddlers could relate to and learn from. I hope would release more of this kind.

  11. These are great money tips! I also started teaching my kids about saving using the coin bank. Most importantly, we taught them that God owns it all and we are just stewards of it. Everything we have is but a loan from Him. 🙂

  12. We’ve taught my daughter that money doesn’t grow on trees by giving her “work” so that she will have extra pocket money. She is a whiz when it comes to CAD and PPP since age 9 so she earns by making computer designs et al for my husband and some friends and family members (they pay her). She also does book layouting. 🙂 I think this book is a nice read especially for moms with small kids. 🙂

  13. These are great tips. My kids are grown now but when they were home, they were responsible to purchase items that they wanted. We supplied the ‘needs’.

  14. Great tips! I think it’s great to save up as much as you can. My girls know all about saving because I love to save. They have their own piggy banks where they can save and bring the money in to the bank once they’re filled up too.

  15. As early as four I thought y son to save in his piggy bank, and before he can get what he wants he needs to work hard for it or save his money. I always remind him that

  16. As moms and “tagapalamahala sa bahay”, it’s very important that we learn to save. Thanks for the infograph, reminds me of my mother, really, and makes me miss her even more. 😀

  17. The money tip I’ll share with my son is the one on not taking things for granted. Kids these days don’t have an idea that what they have is a result of their parents’ hard work, so they should appreciate even the little things.

  18. My grandchildren, ages 12-5, are all taught financial literacy and it’s awesome to watch them manage their money. My son-in-law has his own construction business and last summer my 7 year old granddaughter set up a snack/lemonade stand for his workers. She made a killing!

  19. I always remember my mom advising me to always save! And its indeed true, now that I’ve become a mom I really understand how important for us to save if there are emergencies that comes along.

  20. Money is an important thing for us so we should know how to use it. We should teach our children at early age on how to spend money so they’ll be wiser when they grow up.

  21. It is important for us to teach our kids how to handle money. No one else is going to do it, and it’s a huge part of life.

  22. It’s sad that it seems more and more people these days don’t have a savings. It’s so important, but I know that cost of living makes it impossible for so many people to save any money. Most people seem to be living paycheck to paycheck! Great info here. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, it is a sad reality that a lot of people nowadays are living off paycheck to paycheck. It is also sad that most young professionals will opt for new expensive gadgets or vacations instead of saving up for the future.

  23. I was never taught by my mom about financial literacy so I want to make sure my kids will be aware. Importante talaga yan, and I am also proud to say that my kids don’t handle money yet at their age since they don’t understand the value yet.

    1. Yes, I also believe there is a right time for the little ones to handle money. I do the same for my son since he is still young. I just expose him to the idea of saving so I got him a coinbank, although, he sees it as a plaything most of the time! 🙂

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