Thankful Thursday: Of Struggles + Gratitude

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#thankfulthursday #gratitude #muminspires #wordstoliveby #quotablequotes

A photo posted by Vix Parungao (@mumwrites) on

Life is made up of constant struggles but only if we allow it. Most of the time, these struggles {internal or otherwise} is often created by our own doing and I guess, more often than not, we cannot help it. As humans, genes and heredity, as well as history and experiences, influence the way we see ourselves and life, in general. We seem to have a knack at re-visiting our past, which created these struggles in the first place.  Oftentimes, we revel at reliving them and wallowing in them. Sometimes, we even crave to remember and relish them. The key to end these struggles is to actually keep a grateful and loving heart. When we make peace with our past and keep an attitude of gratitude, these struggles end and we will finally find peace.

Of course, it might be difficult to keep a grateful heart when everything seems not to be going our way, this is why we need to constantly practice it, one day at a time, one thing to be grateful for at a time. And when the going gets tougher, this is when we should be more grateful and thankful.

This week I am thankful for:

  • my new specs as they allow me to see everything around me clearer and crispier. Putting them on for the first time felt like seeing the world in an entirely different light. Everything seems to be so clear all of a sudden. It has been awhile since I last went for an eye checkup and I am glad that I finally did!  :chic:
  • Ed Sheeran’s new songs
  • precious time with my boys  :heart:
  • joining the Mindful Mom Re-Treat {which I will share here soon}
  • surprises in the mail
  • my new set of Washi Tapes!  😀
  • catching Deepak Chopra on Facebook Live
  • news about the new 21-Day Oprah and Deepak Meditation coming in April
  • fond and beautiful memories of my Mama and Papa  :heart:
  • watching Collateral Beauty
  • my BeautyMNL haul {it was my second order from this site and am lovin’ it! Will share about it here next!}
  • Spotify Premium
  • personalized gifts from pr friends
  • more opportunities for the blogs

This year, I will try to write Thankful Thursday entries regularly. I have been posting those lovely gratitude quotes on Instagram, but I do not post them here on the blog all the time, so I am changing that this year and I am aiming to share them here, too, and include my gratitude lists for each week. You may check my previous entries on my Instagram Page {you can also use the hashtag #ThankfulThursday to check out entries from other sharers, too!}. While you’re at it, you might as well check altiverb out!

So, here’s to being more grateful and thankful this year. You may start by writing down one thing that you are grateful for each day and before you know it, you have developed the habit! Let’s join hands in filling this world with love and gratitude, as we need these now more than ever, and we can do so by changing our attitude, one person at a time.

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  1. Great to be thankful once a week especially. It’s good to be like that every day of course. But we don’t always have time to sit down and feel how grateful we are. And giving thanks is so important!

  2. I agree that the struggle ends when we become grateful. Recently, my mom surprised me with a bed. However, it wasn’t the design I wanted, it was too high for me, and it was too expensive as it came from Forty Winks. Instead of being grateful, I cried and got mad since I felt disrespected with my choice not taken into consideration. My BF reprimanded me, of course. My mom already went through great lengths in buying me a nice bed then I didn’t appreciate the gesture. It was really tough for me, but then this reminds me also to always be grateful.

  3. It is good that you are able to make a list of the things you are most thankful for. In that way, you realise how blessed you are and you are able to keep track of the things that you already have. I guess I must try making my own list too and label it is “The Blessings List”.

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