Are You Eligible For A Pardon Under The Criminal Records Act {CRA}?

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Everyone deserves a second chance. If a criminal record is affecting your life, there may be some good news. The government implemented changes to the Criminal Records Act {CRA} in 2012 to make it easier for those who have paid for their mistakes to get a fresh start. Companies like Pardon Applications can help you with the process.

What is the Criminal Records Act?

It’s a piece of legislation that suspends the criminal records of people who have been successfully rehabilitated. It takes any official documentation of a criminal conviction out of the automated criminal records system and files it separately. This means that when you apply for a job or other actions that requires a criminal background check, your record won’t come up.

One of the changes made was to rename Canadian Pardon to Record Suspension in order to take some of the stigma out of the conviction. Those who are eligible have shown good conduct and are no longer engaged in criminal activities, so their past should no longer affect their future.

What Does a Pardon Accomplish?

The short answer is that it can change your life. Having even a minor record following you around can limit your ability to travel, make you ineligible for bonding, keep you from getting a job or even stop you from furthering your education. There’s also the shame attached to having to disclose past mistakes.

How Do You Apply for a Records Suspension?

There are a few preliminary requirements you must meet before submitting your application to the Pardon & U.S. Waiver Officers board. These include completing your sentences and passing the waiting period of five years. The rest of the process mainly involves obtaining records and filling in forms. The records you’ll need are:

  • Convictions, Conditional and Absolute Discharges form
  • Court records
  • Military Conduct Sheet, if you’re a member or former member of the military
  • Local Police Records Check{s}, Proof of Citizenship or Immigration Documents
  • Photocopy of any documentation to support your identification

Once you have all of that gathered together, you’ll need to obtain and fill in Schedule 1 Exception, Record Suspension Application and Measurable Benefit/Sustained Rehabilitation forms. Place all of these items together, and send them with a processing fee of $631.00 {CDN} along with your application. Then all you need to do is wait a short time for an answer.

Going through the process alone may be stressful and confusing. If you think you’re a candidate to get your record suspended, talk to a lawyer about your situation. This act was meant to give people like you some relief so they can move forward with the lives.

:camera: via Pixabay

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Press Release: LBC Allies With PNP-HPG Towards Safer Roads

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PNP-HPG Director Police Chief Superintendent, Arnel Escobal and LBC Express Inc. Senior Vice President for Philippine Operations, Oliver Valentin

LBC and the Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group {PNP-HPG} has renewed another fruitful year of partnership which shows how private companies and government can work together in making a difference in the lives of the public they serve.

Recently, the two groups reinforced their Memorandum of Understanding on the importance of road safety and security through “The Disiplinadong Driver- Road Safety Marshal Orientation” held at the Camp Crame Grandstand last February 3, 2018.

Led by LBC Senior VP Oliver Valentin and HPG Director Atty. Arnel Escobal, 40-50 LBC delivery managers, supervisors, drivers, and riders underwent training with the HPG-PNP staff. Here, they were taught how to follow street signs; observe proper road etiquette; detect and avoid danger on the streets; and, gear up for each and every delivery. In exchange for the valuable instructions given to them, LBC provided the classrooms for training.

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LBC says the partnership is essential to their operations because they move almost 96,000 parcels and cargoes daily through their 1,800 combined fleet of motorcycles and trucks. In 2017, HPG was able to train 560 NCR-based drivers of LBC which significantly reduced the number of recorded vehicular accidents.

Highlight of the event was the oath-taking of LBC employees who undertook the drills and the ceremonial posting of “Road Safety Mashal” stickers on LBC-marked delivery vans & motorcycles.

Valentin is proud to say that LBC is the first Corporate Supply Chain recognized by PNP-HPG as Road Safety Ambassador for “Ang Disiplinadong Driver”. He says: “We are well aware of our civic duty to adopt and adhere strictly to public safety policies. By advocating safer roads, we want to impart the message that entities can do their job both successfully and responsibly, if they set their minds to it”.

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On Being A Stay-At-Home Mum: 3 Enjoyable Activities Full-Time Mums Can Try At Home

On Being A Stay-At-Home Mum, tips and tricks, stay-at-home mum,, homemaking, homemaking tips

Being a mother is the most fulfilling yet toughest job in the world. Once you become one, it will completely transform your life forever. There will be a lot of changes, but you have to keep up for your family.

You might experience many challenges and struggles along the way as a mother. Nevertheless, everything will be worth it. All the sacrifices will pay off eventually. Being a stay-at-home mom and full-time housewife is never a simple task. There are plenty of things you have to do at home while taking good care of your children. Time management is the key here in order to accomplish all the things you need to finish.

Listed below are some fun activities a full-time mom can enjoy doing at home:

Preparing And Cooking Healthy Meals

On Being A Stay-At-Home Mum, tips and tricks, stay-at-home mum,, homemaking, homemaking tips

When you are already a wife and a mother, it is essential that you learn how to cook. You can prepare and cook meals for the family each day to ensure that everyone eats healthy food. Not only you can guarantee that what you eat is always clean and nutritious instead you can spare some cash by cooking food. In fact, dining at restaurants is more costly than cooking your own meals. Additionally, cooking can help relieve your stress. This can also be a bonding time with your kids or the entire family. You can make delicious Nespresso coffee capsules or prepare tasty snacks for everyone to enjoy each time.

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