Mum Inspires: Of Gratitude + Spirituality

I am sharing yet another words of wisdom from the 21-Day Meditation Experience with Deepak and Oprah. This one is very timely for the season. As Lent is the best time to reflect on our lives ~ our blessings, our commitment to our Creator, our valued relationships. It is also the best time to renew our faith and spirit. To engage in activities to further enrich our spirits, like practicing meditation and keeping an attitude of gratitude. Indeed, we can never go wrong in keeping a grateful heart. Living in constant gratitude is truly the essence of spirituality.

This week I am grateful for:

:rainbow: being productive
:rainbow: lazy weekends at home
:rainbow: spending time with my boys
:rainbow: a surprise from the little man
:rainbow: chatting with a dear friend from across the miles
:rainbow: my Anne of Green Gables books arriving in the mail {now I am only missing #8}
:rainbow: rest and relaxation
:rainbow: Chowking Halo-halo to beat this summer heat
:rainbow: the time to de-clutter a little at home
:rainbow: Indian mangoes from my dear neighbor
:rainbow: finishing yet another deadline {a few more to finish before the week ends}
:rainbow: the majestic moon
:rainbow: my books finally coming home {my collection is ever growing, we are brimming with books at home, I am in dire need of a new shelf!}
:rainbow: Sherlock Holmes on Netflix with Bel
:rainbow: successfully cooking stir-fry veggies a la Tokyo Tokyo
:rainbow: the cool breeze at night

What are you thankful for today? :rainbow:

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