In a country riveted by an impeachment trial, in a world with economic uncertainty, in a universe threatened by doomsday predictions, writer and yaya’s boy RJ Ledesma asks the important questions:Why can’t men pee straight into the toilet bowl? What is it like for a man to get a Brazilian wax? If you hold in a fart, will you implode? And why are our testicles smaller than that of a chimpanzee’s?
blaze of glory by m. garzon, a book review
My fascination with horses started when I visited Quezon province all those many years ago, people have horses tied in their backyards all around. If I can afford it then, I would’ve probably bought myself one! Horses are such fascinating, gentle creatures that I am always in awe whenever I see one in the zoo or last year, when we just hailed a horse-driven carriage when we got out of Manila Ocean Park, just because. It was an experience worth having. The little man is just as fascinated with the horse as I was.
Having said that, I guess it won’t be surprising that I’d also jump at any books with horses in them + enjoy reading them, too! Just like this one from M. Garzon, Blaze of Glory.
The gripping novel about horses, love, and the passions that consume us.
lovely pink book tokens
I bought loads of these fairy tale books to be given away to my godchildren last Christmas from Learning is Fun {where I have signed up as a dealer}. Even my sisters asked me to get them some so they can give them away as gifts, too. Aren’t they the loveliest, hard-bound + very affordable, too!
The very pink books feature our most-loved fairy tales, including these ones on the photo, Cinderella + Goldilocks. I believe books are the most interesting things you can give to children {aside from toys, of course} as this will not only promote learning + entertain them as well, but it will also prove beneficial to expose them to reading + the love of books at a younger age. I want my son to be a book lover, too, so I am exposing him to different books this early 🙂
Anyway, these books are supposed to be gifts to 2 lovely daughters of two of my mummy blogger friends. Unfortunately, I was not able to ship them just yet as when I went to the courier, they refused to ship the other items {it has liquid on it} that are supposed to be included in the package. I tried placing them on cardboard boxes {which my brother made especially for me} but the courier still refuse to accept them + I did not have the chance to go around + scour the city much in search for another courier service, so my sincerest apologies to sis Sheng {I was suppose to ship this in time for you + the little ones birthday :(} + Sigrid. I will see to it that I ship them before the month ends.
Sharing this pink stuff through: