Mum Eats: Trying Out The Famous Belgian Waffle

food, mum eats, food musings

Note: This post was first published on my foodie blog, Mum Eats, on 18 October, 2013.  :plate: 

I first heard about the Famous Belgian Waffle opening in Waltermart – Plaridel from a mum friend from the little man’s playschool. I never really jumped in to try it, but I am quite a fan of waffles. According to Wikipedia, the Belgian waffle is a  waffle type popular in North America and is identified by its larger size, lighter batter, and higher grid pattern that forms deep pockets and has larger squares than the standard American waffle.

We finally managed to try the newly-opened waffle shop when we visited the mall one weekend. I became an instant fan! I tried their Banana-and-Peanut-Butter blend and I loved it! I also think that the Blueberry-and-Cream-cheese concoction is such a mouthwatering treat!

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Mum Eats: What To Look For When Shopping For All-Natural Foods

food, food tips and tricks, shopping for foods, healthy eating

Note: This post first appeared on my foodie blog,, on 22 November, 2014. With a heavy heart, I have decided not to renew it when it expires this July as I can no longer maintain and update is as often as I would like to. Instead, I decided to add a new category here on the blog for the food-related posts under the name, Mum Eats. I hope you will enjoy reading these delicious articles as much as I enjoyed reliving my foodie adventures, as well as sharing foodie tips and tricks, through these posts.  :plate: 

Purchasing food at your local supermarket should include a complete look at the nutrition facts to ensure that you are eating the highest-quality meat and food products.Nowadays, most foods are laden with additives and unnatural ingredients that the human body has trouble breaking down. Fortunately, all-natural stores have taken measures to provide convenient, affordable food choices so that everyone can enjoy the very best food available.

Meat and Poultry

Not all meat is created equal. It is important to choose all-natural and organic meats to ensure that the animals have been fed an all-vegetarian diet, have been well cared for, and can provide your body with the nutrients it needs. Most consumers can also taste the difference that natural foods can provide.

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Ordering Food Online Is Now Easy-Breezy With FoodPanda.Ph

online food delivery services, food, online services, reviews, other reviews, mum finds

We probably spend about a third of our mum time in the kitchen, cutting veggies and chopping up ingredients for dinner or simmering a hearty dish at the stove top. Inasmuch as we would like to prepare delicious meals and dishes for the family three times a day, though, there comes a time when you are stumped with way too many chores and work deadlines to beat that you’d wish you have a magic wand much like mum Molly in the Harry Potter series that will allow for your pots and pans to cook hearty meals and delicious dishes on their own. It would’ve been the perfect household help, right? Alas, we can only wish too much for a magic wand, but if culinary-challenged mums like me is way too busy or way too lazy to cook dinner for the family, it is good to know that we can count on to deliver our choice of dinner treats right at our doorsteps without having to break a sweat!

So, I was feeling a bit tired to tackle the chopping board and and the stove the other night and thought it was the best time to give a try. I was craving for some pasta and pizza and opted to order Spaghetti with meatballs and a pan of cheese pizza from Yellow Cab. I had the food delivered to my brother’s workplace in Quezon City as does not cover our city yet.

Here are the easy-peasy steps I followed to order our instant yet delectable meal:

online food delivery services, food, online services, reviews, other reviews, mum finds

  1. Search ~ Find restaurants that deliver to my place {in this case, my brother’s office address, where I will have my order delivered} by entering my address
  2. Choose ~ Browsed through hundreds of menus to find the food I fancied eating that night
  3. Pay ~ I had the option to pay fast and secure online or cash on delivery {I opted for COD}
  4. Enjoy ~ Food gets prepared and delivered right to our doorsteps {more accurately, the doorstep of my brother’s office} by the restaurant

online food delivery services, food, online services, reviews, other reviews, mum finds

To order from, I simply searched for the restaurant that delivers to my brother’s address by keying in his address, which is somewhere in Quezon City. After doing so, numerous restaurants appear on the screen, along with their addresses, menu and other pertinent details.

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