A Moment When I realized That My Little Man Is No Longer A Baby

Jared, Jared's nook, mum's thoughts, tot schooling, Blog Photo Challenge, #fmsphotoaday
my little playschooler

Time does fly when one is having fun and I guess no matter how difficult and challenging motherhood is I have the most wonderful time of my life and in retrospect I wonder where the almost-four-years have gone.

My little man is no longer a baby. In fact, I am sensing he will try to get rid of me sooner than I will expect and accept. I was just looking at him during one of those sessions in playschool when this epiphany traversed in my head. Gone were the days when I was the center of his universe and when he was reliant on me on everything that he needed and wanted. Now, he would like to do things on his own, if he can get away with it. He can now spend a considerable amount of time away from me and will only miss me during the first hour that I am away or when I was taking very long with whatever it is that is keeping me away from him.

Jared, Jared's nook, mum's thoughts, tot schooling, Blog Photo Challenge, #fmsphotoaday
story telling time with Teacher Kai, Jared + the rest of his classmates

I know I cannot keep him shielded and protected in my arms and that one day I will just have to let him go and spread his wings and explore what the world has in store for him. I am sure I am going to have a very severe attack of separation anxiety by then, but in the meantime, I will just enjoy the most of what we have together and relish the warmth of his wet kisses and warm embrace while he lets me!

 Sharing this with Blog Photo Challenge and Fat Mum Slim’s June #fmsphotoaday Challenge.

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Homeschooling Jared: Lessons On Shapes

children learning, homeschooling, mum's thoughts, Jared's nook, tot schooling
the little man sorting through his box of shapes

Little toddlers can be quite tricky to teach. For one, it is really quite difficult to engage their short attention span when they chose to be occupied with too many things at the same time. That is why I really make the most of those opportunities when the little man is showing keen interest on learning. Just like last week when he showed particular curiosity on the would-be shapes lesson I’ve earlier prepared for him! I cut out big papers and various shapes in small sizes in advance. I places the little shapes in a box. Jared chose a big shape to work on and he will search for the similar little shapes in the box to paste onto the bigger shape.

children learning, homeschooling, mum's thoughts, Jared's nook, tot schooling
working with the glue stick

The little man enjoys this activity and I was surprised that he can now use a glue stick on his won. He was able to finish our circle lesson with just a little help from mum. After which, he was again occupied with some other things. This time he was bathing Iron Man with the different shape cut-outs instead of sorting and gluing them. Oh well, maybe we’ll just finish the rest of the shapes next time!  😀

children learning, homeschooling, mum's thoughts, Jared's nook, tot schooling
enjoying his shapes lesson

For this lesson, I used materials that are readily available at home including:

  • several pieces of colored paper
  • glue {if you are buying one, choose something that is easy enough for the kiddos’ stubby fingers to use}
  • a pair of scissors
  • stuff around the house which you can use to trace some shapes like circles {coins} and stars
  • a box {i used a toy box} to put the little cut out shapes where your little one can sort through
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teaching the little man with materials easily found at home

mum's thoughts, motherhood, early children education, children learning, pink stuff, homeschooling, Jared, Jared's nook,

I never miss the chance to teach my little man anything I can whenever an opportunity presented itself. There are numerous stuff around the house that we can use to work on Jared’s hand-eye coordination skills ~ pasta, macaroni, various re-purposed containers in different sizes, I’ve got an assortment of them here at home. Anything to get those little, grubby hands busy, really! + these cute pink rubber stamps are just one of them.

I originally bought these to adorn my postcards but it turned out to pique the little man’s interest so the stamps are now kept safe together with his other tot school stuffs. He use the tiny blocks to make several towers by stacking them one top of the other, or to make a choo-choo train by arranging them up in a straight line. We also count them all up or I ask him to name the items found on each rubber block on other occasions. I just simply let his imagination run wild as he plays!

Homeschooling our tots need not burn a whole in our pockets, we just need a little imagination + a handful of creativity! I will share more about our tot schooling fun next time, or see more of Jared in action with these rubber stamps on this Kids in Doodles post! 🙂


Sharing my pink stamps with:

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