This mum has been working like a horse lately, trying to run a household {which entails endless feeding bottle washes, meal cooking, doing the laundry sans the washing machine + dryer}, keep 4 blogs running {I have two more which I haven’t found the time to update just yet!}, + looking after my little man, who’s been in his element lately, enjoying long hours of play in the balcony or the living room or in his playpen {whenever mum needs to do something + cannot keep watch}.
Needless to say, it has been awhile since Jared was out + we have yet to try going out one time to see the rest of the village + get some much needed fresh air. Afternoons are normally spend indoors as mum tackles the laundry or whenever we have plans of going out, the rain unexpectedly falls that we are left to ponder about the outside world stuck in front of the tellie.
Sigh, if only we live near a park, I bet we will spend most afternoons strolling along covered patch or playing in the playground nearby.
Or I wish our village is one of those well-off ones that have country clubs inside + I wish that I can afford it. I bet we will run out of time exploring all its beautiful + scenic amenities. Jared will also definitely enjoy running + tumbling along its vast greenery + we can finally say goodbye to our usual afternoon boredom. We’d probably spend endless of hours exploring the place, showing all the trees + flowers to Jared. A perfect way to teach him a thing or two about nature + how to love + appreciate it! We can also pass the hot afternoons dipping in the pool. I can probably finally enroll myself my son for swimming lessons. He will be thrilled, he simply loves the water so much.
Another great advantage of having a country club around will be the pleasure of being outdoors minus the pollution + with a better alternative, we can finally say goodbye to stressful hours of strolling at the mall to pass the weekend afternoon away.
When we buy a house of our own, I will make sure to choose one that has a country club or a club house…
I am participating in a blogger campaign for Florida Country Clubs by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are 100% my own.
Second image is not mine.