A stay-at-home mum is a full-time job. With a 0-3-year-old child, many women ask themselves how to make money from home. In other words, they need ideas for stay at home jobs with only 3-4 hours per day and without a settled schedule. Good news is that there are plenty of ideas. The key to being a supermum lies in turning your hobbies into jobs. A little bit of creative thinking, courage, and support will grant each mum with a bucket of happiness and self-realization.
1. Blog, Vlog!
Sharing a personal experience of being a mum is useful for many young families who are only planning to have kids. This can be anything. Have you invented a perfect way to swaddle your baby in a receiving blanket or have you performed some research and discovered all the privileges of using a sling? Share it. There are a lot of desperate mums who need a bit of support. Inspirational videos or articles with bright photos are not only helpful to others but can also be profitable.
2. Do Sport
Sport is another key to happiness. It not only helps you to stay fit, healthy and beautiful, it also gives you energy, motivates your family, and, in fact, can become a source of additional income. Involving your children in everyday training is a new trend of modern healthy living. There are no limits for new exercises. Share your daily sports routine and motivate other mums to stay fit and healthy. For those who don’t like videos, there are opportunities to create a post with gifs or info-graphics.