a picture paints a thousand words…

Memes are my absolute faves, back in the days I’d join one for each day of the week!  I wish I had the time to do that now. + even though I haven’t much time compared to when I was just starting to blog, I still try to keep up with some of my favorites + join new ones that I stumble upon along the way.  Like this new BC Bloggers’ meme, for example.

This one is easy, all you have to do is post a photo + let your readers give their individual interpretations. So here goes:

Jared's nook, Jared, BC Bloggers Meme, out + about, BC Bloggers,

What do you think these little ones are up to? Read the rest of the story behind this photo in Jared’s Little Corner to check out whether your guesses are right! 🙂

Check out Toned Down & Vintage to join this meme + click on this badge to join BC Bloggers + other upcoming memes:


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the return of bc bloggers


Back in the days, when this mum is just a struggling newbie blogger, I stumbled upon this blogging club, the BC Bloggers, on numerous occasions + always wondered how I can join the group. I so love joining blogging memes + groups, + I thought it would be cool to be part of this one, plus I really love their cute badge + having it on my sidebar would probably make my blog supercool! 😀

I did search for ways on how I can be part of it, but sadly I came across a blank wall + a blog telling me that the group is closed for new members. My heart broke, but don’t worry I recovered + went to join numerous other blog groups around!

So, you can just probably imagine my delight when I found out that BC Bloggers is back! I immediately signed up to become a member + what’s even greater news is that you can do just that! That way, you will get to link with a lot of awesome blogs out there + will never have to beg for backlinks ever again!

To join us, simply sign up here!

I’ll see you around, then 😉

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Je Suis Reconnaissant!

“What are you grateful for recently?”

I am grateful for the clothes on my back, and the flipflops on my feet, i am grateful for the air that i breathe + for my heart that still has beats, but most recently, I am grateful for having to spend some quality bonding time with my son. We were able to go to Tagaytay this weekend + my son totally enjoyed it that it makes the long journey well worth it!

I have been quite preoccupied lately, doing stuff online that I must admit, gets a big chunk off of the time I should be spending with my son, instead.  You’d think being a stay-at-home-mum will give you all the time in the world to do whatever you want to, but in truth, 24 hours a day is hardly ever enough for all the things that I must do + I struggle to keep a healthy balance. But, of course, earning online or not, my son will always be a priority! So whether I am busy writing about Cheap medical scrubs, or tinkering something on this blog to improve it, or busy searching for a suitable theme for Jared’s blog that I am migrating to WordPress as of this writing, I make sure I take care of my son’s needs + wants first, before anything  else.

Sharing this through:


Here are last week’s participants:

Digital Catharsis * I Live to Eat * Darkanjel’s Life Musings * Sassy Chef * Pinoy in the South * My Thoughts in Letters * My Everyday * Mirage * Daily Notes * MumWrites * It’s Me and Beyond * Elghrasya * Mommy Diary

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