Yep, you got that right, I am doing my own version of spring cleaning + am starting with this blog. I know I’ve got quite a lot of other stuff to tinker in here, like:
- finding a nice theme
- making a buttong/favicon
- a header perhaps
- add other useful widgets
but it will be easier to update + edit this baby sans the unnecessary clutter.
This time am taking a page off another mummy blogger’s book by saying goodbye to my chatbox. Here are my arguments:
- I get way too many spam already ever since i started with WordPress + having more of them in my chatbox is really starting to annoy me
- Without it I think visitors will be inspired to leave their mark by leaving a comment or two
- It occupies much space + removing it would allow me to add not one but two more widgets or whatnots as replacements
- Its absence will discourage spammers from plaguing our site
So there, that should be enough to hit the delete button on this widget + be gone with it for good.
How about you, got any plans of saying goodbye to your cboxes?
Love + Light,