my little man is 29 months old today!

motherhood, weekends, milestones, jared's nook jared's nook, parenting, motherhood, milestones, weekendsjared's nook, milestones, motherhood, parenting, weekendsjared's nook, motherhood, milestones, weekends

How quickly time flies, I still remember the day when my son would fit into my folded arms perfectly like it was yesterday. The days zoomed by + now I am not sure where have all those times gone? I now have this not-so-little toddler, that when not everyone is presuming he’s 4 years old, they are inquiring rather curiously whether how old he is. A few months from now + I will have a true-blue three-year old + as much as I am thrilled at the possibility of him going to play school soon + mum bringing him there armed with all the accoutrements needed for every toddler activity at play school, I just wish time would run a little slower so I have some more time to baby my little man.

I miss those days when we celebrate his turning a month older, just before he turned one. We’d have a little celebration at home: buy a cake, cook pasta or something + take loads of photos! Nowadays, I make sure to inform him that it is indeed his month-birthday + we’d sometimes do something fun or go to the mall to spend the afternoon there. Much like we did yesterday 🙂 He is needing a hair cut quite badly so that was our main reason for going to the mall.

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a pink candle for all saints’ day

Pink stuff, all saint's days, occasions, family time

We recently visited my parents’ graves in observance of All Saints’ Day. Since my parents passed on, we have made it like a yearly thing to visit + stay the entire day of November 1st  in the memorial park as our own little way of showing that we always remember them. We put flowers on their tomb + light candles, too. A few weeks before Halloween, expect my sister, Cel, to be very busy shopping for candles, as this has always been a task silently assigned to her. We never talked about it, but it just happened that every year she is the one in-charge of buying the candles for All Saints’ Day. She’d usually buy a bulk of candles so we’d have plenty of leftover candles for home use. In our parents’ home, I would normally light a candle in front of my parents’ photographs every morning, but since we moved here to our new place, we have never really put up a place to light some candles for my parents, yet.

It was a good thing the memorial park wasn’t that cramped + crowded during this season that it is still safe + comfortable to bring the little one along. We’d set up our tent, bring a mat, a couple of chairs, some food for snacks + a big jug of water. We would also eat our lunch there, which for this year happens to be a bucket of friend chicken from the fastfood that set up a temporary shop inside the memorial park especially for the occasion.

Jared had a wonderful time roaming around uncaring of the scorching sun above him. He entertained a couple of elderly ladies, including our neighbor, Lola Aling, with his funny kid antics.  I made a mental note to reapply sunblock on him after a few hours but we unfortunately left the tub at home, so we all end up a little darker at the end of the day.

We left before dawn as we agreed to stop by our parents’ house before heading back home, plus we’ve also visited the night before, + I was afraid it might rain again + we’ll have a hard time going home. We also plan to visit again in two days, as it was my father’s birthday. After packing and undoing the tent we pitched up the night before, we are ready to leave the place. Cel bought bigger candles this year, too, so a few left over candles are still in the bag we brought this morning, including this pink + blue scented ones.

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