How quickly time flies, I still remember the day when my son would fit into my folded arms perfectly like it was yesterday. The days zoomed by + now I am not sure where have all those times gone? I now have this not-so-little toddler, that when not everyone is presuming he’s 4 years old, they are inquiring rather curiously whether how old he is. A few months from now + I will have a true-blue three-year old + as much as I am thrilled at the possibility of him going to play school soon + mum bringing him there armed with all the accoutrements needed for every toddler activity at play school, I just wish time would run a little slower so I have some more time to baby my little man.
I miss those days when we celebrate his turning a month older, just before he turned one. We’d have a little celebration at home: buy a cake, cook pasta or something + take loads of photos! Nowadays, I make sure to inform him that it is indeed his month-birthday + we’d sometimes do something fun or go to the mall to spend the afternoon there. Much like we did yesterday 🙂 He is needing a hair cut quite badly so that was our main reason for going to the mall.