friday fill-ins 2011.03


And…here we go!

1. One of my favorite birthday presents was + always will be my son, who came out 2 days after my birthday via a CS operation.

2. When you want out just say it + we have nothing more to talk about, it was as simple as that.

3. The moon is one of the most fascinating creations I have laid eyes on.

4. I guess happiness includes accepting + letting go of the past.

5. I was tempted by my inviting bed + my sleeping son to turn this off + just stay in bed.

6. Swim, have a henna, eat grilled seafood + learn to surf are some of the things I like to do on vacation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to having a good night’s sleep, tomorrow my plans include going to my friend’s house with the little man and Sunday, I want to visit my Papa in time for Father’s Day!

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friday fill-ins 2011.01


So…here we go!

1. I know that things happen for a reason.

2. I’d love to earn my keep while taking care of my son at the same time if at all possible.

3. This weather has been great for a family swimming in Subic.

4. So many things to do + so little time, it  is quite a problem.

5. I’m really happy I have the ability to pacify my son whenever he’s in a fit.

6. I need to sleep early so I can wake up early the next day, exercise + hopefully do some yoga, or any activity to jump start my weight loss project , or something to that effect.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to catching up on my blogging, tomorrow my plans include enjoying the entire day swimming with my little one and Sunday, I want to relax + have a stress-free day at home!

Love + Light,

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