of not drowning in the mountain of house chores…

How do you get yourself organized with all the left and right chores in the house? Plus a crying toddler or a demanding husband waiting (for) his dinner to be served?

To date, I haven’t found the most effective formula to keep myself organized when it comes to being a consummate home-keeping multi-tasker, I try to do the best I can to get the job done + at the end of the day, when I’ve finished all that I have set out to do for that day, I can sleep well + think I’ve accomplished much.

I try to prioritize + perform the most pressing tasks of the day and leave off those I can do much later in the day or another day.

Inasmuch as I can, I try to keep a to-do list, which can be for a day or a week depending on how hectic the schedule will be, so I’ll have a guide on which stuff to finish at what certain time or day.  Most of the time, I have the orders of the day etched into my memory like a tattoo and I mentally ticked them off one by one once i finished them. I’m also glad my youngest brother is always around to help with the cooking chores + whatnot, lest I’ll end up eating lunch or dinner at a much later time or drown in the heaps of unfinished home chores.

One other effective way of coping with the mountain of chores at home is to finish off Jared-related tasks first, such as his laundry, washing his feeding bottles, bathing + feeding him, before I set out to tackle the home chores. For example, I normally do his laundry on Monday + put off doing my own laundry on Thursdays or Fridays or make sure I bathe him first in the morning before I battle with the washing machine or the pot of potatoes + chicken breasts to boil.

So, what are you home chores organizing trick? Care to share your secret with me, please leave a comment, it will be highly appreciated. Thanks^^

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