seeing my dear friend again after a long time

friends, meet ups, simple pleasures

It has been ages since I last saw my friend + teammate {from my old work}, Chris, who also happens to be the little man’s godmother, too! She’s one of my closest friends back at work + we were almost always together, we sit in stations right next to each other + have our breaks + lunches {or more appropriately, dinner,} together, too! To say that I miss my dear friend is actually an understatement. If ever I were still going to work, I bet we will still be as close as we’ve been!

I am actually so thrilled to find out she was actually going to come to Jared’s birthday party + was really excited to see her again! We’ve shared one too many important occasions in our lives, as well as a number of secrets, too! + although we never see each other that often I still hold her very dear to my heart.

meet ups, friends, simple pleasuresfriends, meet ups, simple pleasures

My friend’s presence on my little man’s celebration is more than enough birthday gift for me, too. So you can just imagine my delight when she’s also brought a present for me, apart from her gifts to Jared. 🙂

I really love this pristine e-candle you gave me friend, as well as the different shared it gives off. Thanks so much, it now keeps the room well lit as we sleep into the night.

I just hope we had more time to catch up each other during my son’s party. Oh well, I know I shall be seeing you again, friend, + am crossing my fingers that it will be soon! ^_^

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Wednesday Whites

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on water dragons + yet another weekend meet-up

This is my entry to the Week 23 of Techie She Weekly Giveaways. This week’s lucky blogger will win $10 Paypal credits from Borris of Snapshots as They Happen.

weekends, meet ups, friends, chinese new year,

Last Saturday mum + the little man did an errand in Manila, I picked up the pillows I ordered from one of those Groupon sites, in Quezon City. Luckily my brother agreed to accompany us + later on agreed to bring home the pillows, when a local courier refused to ship them unless I put them in boxes! I cannot imagine carrying the little man + the huge bulk of pillows at the same time! 🙁

After our errands, we head off to Trinoma to pass the time as we wait for 4pm. We will be meeting up with my friend, + Jared’s ninang, Jack, at The Block that afternoon.  It has been awhile since we last saw each other, so I was glad she agreed that we meet. She was not able to come to our previous meet ups + the little man has not seen her since his baptism.

We first head off to the food court for a late lunch. I have been craving for World Chicken for sometime now so I made a beeline to their counter + ordered chicken/pasta/mash potato combo! Talk of carbo overload! Fortunately, the little man also liked the combination I ordered + sampled all the treats. In the end, he decided to stick with chicken. Probably loving its taste + the taragon sauce that goes with it.

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another weekend meet up with my friends

me-time, weekends, friends

To say that I enjoyed our weekend meet ups is an understatement. I actually had a blast! + I am glad I get to spend two more Saturdays with my friends, before Ella flew back to the US. After our  get-together at Med’s place, we met up twice more in January. The first one was after the New Year at Ella’s place + the other one was on the 7th at Jhe’s place. The gang agreed to meet up at South Supermarket, where we’d take a trike to Jhe’s place.

We were running a little late, as usual, as a not-so-heavy downpour greeted us when we left home. Mum + the little man had to take shelter at the nearby sari-sari store + wait for the rain to abate. By the time we boarded a jeep, everyone else was in the meeting place.

meet ups, weekend, me-time, friends

Jhe’s home is really nice + we instantly fell in love with the place. It was not so big, in fact just big enough for a small family of three or four, but it was so clean + homey + I particularly loved the pictures + the bear-decorated Christmas tree + the lovely ref magnets! ^_^

Jared, on the other hand, fell in love with the yard + waste no time running around the perimeter of the area ^_^ He was also ecstatic to see his playmates again. He was up on his toes about almost the entire time that he was not captured in any of the photos here.

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